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In this Tour de CLARIN blog post, we present an in-depth interview with Kaja Dobrovoljc, a Slovenian corpus linguist who works at the Centre for Language Resources and Technologies and regularly collaborates with CLARIN.SI and uses its infrastructure.


In this Tour de CLARIN blog post, we present an in-depth interview with Nan Bernstein Ratner, who is along with Brian MacWhinney one of the PIs of FluencyBank, a shared database for the study of the development of fluency in typical and disordered populations.


Read the most recent CLARIN Newsflash: July 2019 here


CLARIN Slovenia (CLARIN.SI) has contributed to several user involvement events which presented the results of the project to different user groups.


Read about the CSMTiser, a supervised machine learning tool that performs word normalization by using Character-level Statistical Machine Translation.


In collaboration with CESSDA, DARIAH, PARTHENOS and SSHOC, CLARIN is running a booth at DH2019 where you can find out more about what these five European initiatives do to support the Digital Humanities.


In collaboration with CESSDA, DARIAH, PARTHENOS and SSHOC, CLARIN is running a booth at DH2019 where you can find out more about what these five European initiatives do to support the Digital Humanities.


In collaboration with CESSDA, DARIAH, PARTHENOS and SSHOC, CLARIN is running a booth at DH2019 where you can find out more about what these five European initiatives do to support the Digital Humanities.

Digital Humanities – The Perspective of Africa workshop

Guest blog post by DEMBA Kandeh that chronicles and reflects on a five-day workshop: “Digital Humanities – the perspective of Africa”, recently organized at the Lorentz Centre in Leiden.


TalkBank, which was recognized as a CLARIN Knowledge Centre in 2016, is the world’s largest open access integrated repository for spoken language data. It provides language corpora and other audio resources to support researchers in Psychology, Linguistics, Education, Computer Science, and Speech Pathology.