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Tour de CLARIN


Tour de CLARIN is a CLARIN ERIC initiative that showcases the richness of the CLARIN landscape and displays the full range of activities throughout the network. Tour de CLARIN highlights prominent user involvement activities of different CLARIN national consortiums, and shines the spotlight on individual K-centres and B-centres that are integral to CLARIN’s mission. Contributions include relevant user involvement activities, recently developed tools, and interviews with researchers who are using a national consortium’s infrastructure.





Volume I: Austria | Czech Republic | DLU/Flanders | Finland | Greece | Lithuania | Poland | Sweden | The Netherlands 

Volume II: Bulgaria | Denmark Estonia | Italy | Hungary | Latvia | Slovenia

K-Centres: CNC | SWELANG | TalkBank | Treebanking

CLARIN Consortia, B-Centres and K-Centres

Tour de CLARIN: Switzerland 
Introduction CLARIN-CH | Interview Jannis Vamvas
The Latvian CLARIN-LV B-Centre
Tour de CLARIN: Iceland 
Introduction CLARIN-IS | Interview Sigríður Ólafsdóttir
Tour de CLARIN: Poland 
Introduction CLARIN:PL | Tool CompCorp | Service CLARIN-PL Helpdesk | Interview Agnieszka Hess
Tour de CLARIN: Austria
The Danish CLARIN Knowledge Centre DANSK 
Introduction The CLARIN Knowledge Centre DANSK | Interview Sidsel Boldson
Tour de CLARIN: Portugal
Introduction Tour de CLARIN: Portugal | Tool LX-DepParser | Resource CINTIL-DependencyBank
Tour de CLARIN: France 
CLARIN B-Centre: The Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage with ARCHE
Introduction ARCHE | Interview Peter Andorfer, Stephan Kurz and Martin Anton Müller
CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Systems and Frameworks for Morphologically Rich Languages (SAFMORIL)
Introduction SAFMORIL | Interview Jack Rueter
The French CLARIN Knowledge Centre CORLI for Corpora, Languages and Interaction 
Introduction The French CLARIN Knowledge Centre CORLI | Interview Thomas Gaillat
NLP:EL: The Knowledge Centre for Greek | August 2021
CLARIN Knowledge Centre for South Slavic languages (CLASSLA) 
Introduction CLARIN Knowledge Centre for South Slavic languages (CLASSLA) | Interview Zrinka Kolaković
The CLARIN-PL B-Centre 
Introduction The CLARIN_PL B-Centre | Interview Interview with Olga Czeranowska
Tour de CLARIN: Norway 
Introduction Norway | Tool Glossa – A User-Friendly Corpus Search System Resource The Nordic Dialect Corpus Event CLARINO's Involvement in the University Curriculum | Interview Yvonne van Baal
Tour de CLARIN: United Kingdom 
Introduction United Kingdom | Tool Introduction to GATE Services | Resource Historical Thesaurus of English
Event Lancaster Summer Schools | Interview Michaela Mahlberg
Tour de CLARIN: Germany 
Introduction Germany | Tool WebLicht and WebMAUS | Resource German Reference Corpus (DeReKo) and German Text Archive (DTA) | Event An Internship at CLARIN-D | Interview Eva Gredel and Yana Strakatova
Tour de CLARIN: Iceland 
Introduction Tour de CLARIN: Iceland | Tool IceNLP | Resource The Database of Modern Icelandic Inflection
Event Launching of the National Language Technology Programme | Interview Jóhannes Gísli Jónsson
The Phonogrammarchiv Knowledge Centre
Introduction The Phonogrammarchiv Knowledge Centre | Interview Beate Eder-Jordan
The Knowledge Centre for Atypical Communication Expertise
Introduction The Knowledge Centre for Atypical Communication Expertise | Interview Katarzyna Klessa and Anita Lorenc
The LUND University Humanities Lab Knowledge Centre
Introduction LUND University Humanities Lab Knowledge Centre | Interview Gerd Carling
The Spanish CLARIN Knowledge Centre 
Introduction The Spanish CLARIN Knowledge Centre | Interview Jose Pérez-Navarro
Tour de CLARIN: Latvia 
Introduction Latvia | Tool NLP-pipe | Resource Latvian FrameNet 
Event Tools and Resources for Digital Humanities Research Seminar | Interview Sanita Reinsone
Tour de CLARIN: Italy 
Introduction Italy | Tool LexO: Where Lexicography Meets the Semantic Web | Resource MERLIN - A Written Learner Corpus for Czech, German, and Italian | Event Roadshow Seminars | Interview | Beatrice Nava
Tour de CLARIN: Denmark 
Introduction Denmark | Tool CST lemmatizer | Resource | Grundtvig's Work Corpus
Event Teaching the Teachers - An Interactive Workshop for the Voyant Tools | Interview Klaus Nielsen
Tour de CLARIN: Slovenia 
Introduction Slovenia | Tool CSMTiser | Resource Emoji Sentiment Ranking 1.0
Event Janes Express | Interview Kaja Dobrovoljc
Tour de CLARIN: Hungary 
Introduction Hungary | Tool e-magyar: A Comprehensive Processing Chain for Hungarian
Resource The Multimodal HuComTech Corpus | Event The HUN-CLARIN Roadshows | Interview Noémi Vadász
Tour de CLARIN: Bulgaria
Introduction Bulgaria | Tool BTB-Pipe: A Language Pipeline for Bulgarian | Resource Bulgarian Child Language Corpus | Event CLaDA-BG Dissemination Activities | Interview Aneta Nedyalkova
CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Treebanking 
Introduction CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Treebanking | Interview Helge Dyvik
CLARIN Knowledge Centre for the Languages of Sweden 
Introduction CLARIN Knowledge Centre for the Languages of Sweden | Interview | Susanne Nylund Skog
The TalkBank Knowledge Centre
Introduction The TalkBank Knowledge Centre | Interview Nan Bernstein Ratner
The Czech CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Corpus Linguistics 
Introduction The Czech CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Corpus Linguistics | Interview Ondřej Tichý
Impact CKC K-centre 
Introduction Impact CKC K-Centre | Interview | Mikel Iruskieta
The Knowledge Centre for Polish Language Technology 
Introduction The Knowledge Centre for Polish Language Technology | Interview Dominika Hadro
Tour de CLARIN: Estonia 
Introduction Estonia | Tool EstNLTK | Resource Place Names Database (KNAB)
Event Workshops at the Estonian Digital Humanities Conference 2017 | Interview Marin Laak
Tour de CLARIN: Lithuania 
Introduction Lithuania | Tool Colloc | Resource Lithuanian Dependency Treebank
Event Annual Seminars | Interview Erika Rimkutė
Tour de CLARIN: Greece 
Introduction Greece | Tool GrNE-Tagger | Resource The Hellenic Parliament Sittings and Hellenic Parliamentary Corpus H-ParCo | Event 'Language Data and Technologies in Social and Political Sciences' | Interview Vassiliki Georgiadou
Tour de CLARIN: Czech Republic 
Introduction Czech Republic | Tool UDPipe | Resource Universal Dependencies (UD)
Event Workshop on Digital Humanities 2018 | Interview Dr Radim Hladík
Tour de CLARIN: DLU/Flanders 
Introduction DLU/Flanders | Tool Text2Picto and Picto2Text | Event Workshops for Introducing Digital Humanities Researchers to the CLARIN Services and Resources | Resource ​Corpus of Contemporary Dutch | Interview | Cora Pots
Introduction Poland | Tool WebSty: An Open Web-Based System for Stylometric Analysis
Event 'CLARIN-PL in Research Practice': A Lecture and Workshop Series | Resource | ​plWordNet | Interview Dr Maciej Maryl
Tour de CLARIN: The Netherlands
Introduction The Netherlands | Tool MIMORE | Event Workshops on Linked Data
Resource ​The SoNaR Reference Corpus of Dutch | Interview Melvin Wevers
Introduction Austria | Tool 'Viennese Lexicographic Editor' | Event The ACDH Tool Gallery | Resource ABaC:us Corpus
Interview Dr Stephan Procházka
Tour de CLARIN: Sweden
Introduction Sweden | Tool Korp | Event Tutorial and Workshop on Automatic Sentence Selection from Corpora 
Resource The Riksdag's Open Data | Interview Maria Ågren
Introduction Finland | Tool AaltoASR | Event The Language Bank of Finland's Roadshows
Resource Suomi24 | Interview Tommi Jantunen