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Registration open for the Stakeholders’ Workshop on European Research Infrastructures Consortia (ERICs)


The Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities - A Resource Centre for the HumanitiEs (ACDH-CH) has been successfully re-assessed as a CLARIN B-centre and has received a renewed B-centre certificate


Read the most recent CLARIN Newsflash: CLARIN2021 here


Sign up for the Future User Group


The TRIPLE Consortium is pleased to invite you to attend the next training session on FAIR Data in Social Sciences and Humanities taking place on the Wednesday 15th of September at 14:00 (CEST). This training event will be devoted specifically to FAIR Data in SSH, and it will provide answers to the


Titika Dimitroulia is a professor of translation studies, as well as a translator and literary critic. Many of her literary corpora have benefitted from :EL processing tools and are deposited in the CLARIN:EL central inventory. She has used such corpora to conduct interdisciplinary literary


Written by Maria Gavriilidou and Iro Tsiouli :EL is the CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Language Technology and Language Resources in Greece. NLP:EL is a relatively new CLARIN K-centre. It was established in March 2020 and is hosted by the Institute for Language and Speech Processing (ILSP) of the


Read the report of the WageIndicator-CLARIN theme at Digital Humanities Hackathon 2021 (#DHH21)


Read about the AOA - ARCHiVe Online Academy 2021 a series of lectures dedicated to cultural heritage and digital technology.


Interview by Jakob Lenardič Pilar Barbosa is an associate professor of general and Portuguese linguistics who has benefited from PORTULAN CLARIN tools in the annotation of a spoken-language corpus that she used in her syntactic research. 1. Please introduce yourself – your academic background and


Written by João Silva On 16 April 2021, João Ricardo Silva of PORTULAN CLARIN held an online master class for PhD students in Linguistics from NOVA FCSH, the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of the NOVA University of Lisbon, with the purpose of presenting PORTULAN CLARIN and its services, in


Written by João Silva CINTIL‑DependencyBank is a corpus of Portuguese utterances annotated with the representation of grammatical dependency relations, a kind of linguistic information that, roughly speaking, captures the fact that for a sentence to be grammatical the occurrence and position of


Written by João Silva LX‑DepParser is a syntactic dependency parser for Portuguese. In syntactic dependency parsing, a word (the head) is connected to one or more words (the dependents) by directed arcs, forming a directed graph. The link between a head and its dependent indicates that the


Written by João Silva The PORTULAN CLARIN Research Infrastructure for the Science and Technology of Language is the CLARIN national consortium for Portugal, a country that has been involved in CLARIN since the European EU‑funded preparatory project for CLARIN began in 2008, and was invited in 2010


Read the most recent CLARIN Newsflash: July 2021 here


The French Knowledge Centre CORLI for Corpora, Languages and Interaction is a a certified CLARIN K-centre that functions as an interactive online platform which centralizes and provides cross-border access to knowledge through both proactive and reactive services.


CLARIN is looking for an inspiring person to chair the Board of Directors ( ) and steer CLARIN in consolidating its position in the dynamic landscape.


Register to the CLARIN Annual Conference 2021.


Read about the new financial support for the preparation of applications of Horizon Europe projects.


This month CLARIN highlights Dictionaries. The CLARIN infrastructure offers access to 97 Dictionaries.