The SAFMORIL K-centre brings together linguists as well as researchers and developers in the area of computational morphology and its application during language processing.
Tour de CLARIN highlights prominent User Involvement (UI) activities of a particular CLARIN national consortium. This time the focus is on Lithuania and Erika Rimkutė, Senior Researcher at the Centre of Computational Linguistics at Vytautas Magnus University.
Read about the annual CLARIN-LT seminars series, a succesfull inititiative that is organized by CLARIN-LT at the end of each year.
Colloc is an experimental tool aimed at the automatic identification of Multiword Expressions (MWEs) developed at the CLARIN-LT center at Vytautas Magnus University and the Baltic Institute of Advanced Technology.
Tour de CLARIN visits the Lithuanian consortium CLARIN-LT, which has been a full member of CLARIN ERIC since 2015.