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Tour de Clarin: The annual CLARIN-LT seminars

Submitted by Jakob Lenardič on

Blog post written by Jurgita Vaičenonienė

Since the establishment of the CLARIN-LT centre in 2015, we have been organizing different types of events to disseminate knowledge about language resources and language analysis tools deposited in the repository of the national consortium. We help lecturers, teachers and students of humanities and social sciences to use language resources efficiently in their work and research, contribute their data to our repository or get involved in various CLARIN related activities. Taking into consideration the needs of different audiences, we offer both recurring and single events with the main focus on Lithuanian language resources.

An especially successful initiative which addresses researcher and lecturer communities is our annual seminars series organized at the end of each year. The aims of the seminars are to introduce and give an update about the activities of CLARIN-LT and CLARIN ERIC in general; to present the language resources stored or soon to be added to our repository and show their possible applications. Most importantly, we also use the opportunity to find out the expectations of the audience related to language resource creation and use.

Every year, we attract about 20 researchers from different Lithuanian universities from different disciplines, such as sociology, psychology, economics, politics, linguistics, journalism, cultural studies, informatics, and history.

Part of the seminar is devoted to the presentations of participants where they introduce their research in Digital Humanities.

Finally, the most important part of the event is a round table discussion when all participants are given the floor to share their thoughts which helps us to find out the needs of current and prospective CLARIN services’ users and, at the same time, offer our help or give explanations to some of the posed questions.

The outcomes of these discussions are especially helpful when scheduling our yearly activities and share our experience with everyone interested in Digital Humanities within and outside academia. Each year we receive more and more inquiries to present the mission and goals of CLARIN and help with various research related questions, which we are always willing to do.

The programme, slides and videos of some of our seminars can be found here:

Click here to read more about Tour de CLARIN