A guest blog post written by Alexander König (Eurac Research, Bolzano) about the recently joined CLARIN Centre: Eurac Research CLARIN Centre (ERCC).
Watch short videos introducing the DH Course Registry, guiding users on how to find a DH course and guiding institutions or lecturers on how to add a new course in the registry.
CLARIN activities in collaboration with DARIAH and PARTHENOS at the Digital Humanities conference in Mexico City.
Tour de CLARIN highlights prominent User Involvement (UI) activities of a particular CLARIN national consortium. This time the focus is on the Czech Republic and Dr Radim Hladík, a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Philosophy at Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in Prague and at the National Institute of Informatics in Japan.
A 1-day international workshop titled DARIAH-CZ Workshop on Digital Humanities 2018 was held in Prague on 24 April at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
In this issue: final agenda Centre Meeting, TROLLing C-centre, 4.5 available for beta testing, Maintenance and issues
Watch videos from ParlaCLARIN Workshop that was a part of the 11th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC2018) held in Miyazaki, Japan on Monday, 7 May, 2018.