Universal Dependencies (UD) is an open collaboration project in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP).
UDPipe is a state-of-the-art tool pipeline which performs several complex annotation tasks: tokenisation, Part-of-Speech tagging, lemmatisation, sentence segmentation and dependency parsing, all to a high degree of precision.
The last day of LREC2018 contains the following oral and poster presentations by CLARIN consortium members in the main program.
LREC2018 continues with the following oral and poster presentations by CLARIN consortium members in the main program.
CLARIN Resource Families, is a new initiative which aims to provide a user-friendly overview of the available corpora for many languages in the CLARIN infrastructure.
LREC2018 opens with the following oral and poster presentations by CLARIN consortium members in the main program.
The ILC4CLARIN Centre at the Institute for Computational Linguistics has been awarded the B-centre status. Congratulations!
The PARTHENOS eHumanities and eHeritage Webinar Series provides a lens through which a more nuanced understanding of the role of Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage research infrastructures in research can be obtained. Participants of the PARTHENOS Webinar Series d
In this issue: Centre meeting 2018, 4.4.0 beta, Best practices, Certificate issue
Find out more about the Czech consortium LINDAT, a founding member of CLARIN ERIC and the next country in the Tour the CLARIN's itinerary.