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CLARIN at DH2018: Wednesday 27 June

Submitted by Leon Wessels on


DH2018 is the global conference for the Digital Humanities. This year, it takes place in Mexico City from 26 to 29 June. In collaboration with DARIAH and PARTHENOS, CLARIN is running a booth where you can find out more about what these three European initiatives do to support the Digital Humanities.


Expert sessions

Every day you can talk to a different expert at the booth. On Wednesday the following four experts will be present: 

  • Tanja Wissik is a senior researcher at the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and teaches information technologies for translators at the University of Graz. She is user administrator of the DH Course Registry, a joint project of CLARIN and DARIAH. Visit the booth to learn how you can promote your DH courses.

Tanja Wissik will be present during the first coffee break (10:30-11:00). 

  • Maciej Eder is director of the Institute of Polish Language of the Polish Academy of Sciences and associate professor at the Pedagogical University of Kraków. He uses stylometric methods to analyse literary texts.
  • Fotis Jannidis is a professor at the University of Würzburg. Steffen Pielström works as a researcher at the same university. They are interested in digital text and literature analysis and are involved with DARIAH-DE.

Maciej Eder, Fotis Jannidis and Steffen Pielström will be present during the second coffee break (15:30-16:00).


CLARIN-related papers

11:00 - 12:30  

-04: The Many Lives of Books and Publishing


OCR’ing and classifying Jean Desmet’s business archive: methodological implications and new directions for media historical research


Christian Gosvig Olesen & Ivan Kisjes


Constitución A/B

14:00 - 15:30   SP-05: Pedagogy  

Revitalizing Wikipedia/DBpedia Open Data by Gamification -SPARQL and Experiment for Edutainment in Digital Humanities


Go Sugimoto


CLARIN-related posters

16:00 - 17:30   Poster session 1  

Studying Performing Arts Across Borders: Towards a European Performing Arts Dataverse (EPAD)

  Thunnis van Oort, Ivan Kisjes, Julia Noordegraaf
University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
  Bugambilias / Terraza
16:00 - 17:30   Poster session 1   ELEXIS: Yet Another Research Infrastructure. Or Why We Need An Special Infrastructure for E-Lexicography In The Digital Humanities   Tanja Wissik, Ksenia Zaytseva, Thierry Declerck   Bugambilias / Terraza
16:00 - 17:30   Poster session 1   How We Became Digital? Recent History of Digital Humanities in Poland   Maciej Maryl   Bugambilias / Terraza
17:30 - 19:00   Poster session 2   Building a Community Driven Corpus of Historical Newspapers   Claudia Resch, Dario Kampkaspar, Daniela Fasching, Vanessa Hannesschläger, Daniel Schopper   Bugambilias / Terraza