How does the Coronavirus influence the CLARIN infrastructure? The Board of Directors shares some thoughts.
The recordings of the Baltic Summer School of Digital Humanities and of the PARTHENOS CEE Workshop for CEE countries are now available on the VideoLectures.NET platform.
The CLARIN Mobility Grant made it possible for Silvia Calamai (University of Siena) to visit Phonogrammarchiv, the world’s oldest sound archive and CLARIN K-Centre to collaborate with the archive’s experts on long-term preservation of audio-visual data and archival practices (e.g. metadata).
The CLARIN-LV conference: "Digital Latvian Language Resources and Tools in Common Research Infrastructure" raised awareness for CLARIN among Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) researchers in Latvia.
This post provides an update on the content that can be discovered through the Virtual Language Observatory ( ) by highlighting a number of interesting recent additions.
Tour de CLARIN visits the CLARIN-UK consortium. The UK has been an observer of CLARIN since 2015 and is now almost half-way through its second three-year period.
In this issue: Centre Meeting 2020: adjusted programme, New requirements, New C-centres, Miscellaneous, Maintenance announcements
Dr Beate Eder Jordan is a literary scholar focusing on minority and Roma literature at the University of Innsbruck in Austria. She has succesfully collaborated with the Phonogrammarchiv Knowledge Centre in the RomArchive (2015–2019) project.
We are delighted to announce this year's keynote speakers for CLARIN2020: Professor Elena González-Blanco and Dr.Antske Fokkens