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This month CLARIN highlights Dictionaries. The CLARIN infrastructure offers access to 97 Dictionaries.
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Read about the officially recognised CLARIN Knowledge Centres CKCMC and K-Dutch
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Read about the CLARIN Café ParlaMint Unleashed about the results of the CLARIN funded ParlaMint project.
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The South African Node of CLARIN (SADILAR), is looking for a Technical Manager.
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The tutorial Voices of the Parliament. A Corpus Approach to Parliamentary Discourse Research realised by Darja Fišer and Kristina Pahor de Maiti is now publicly available.
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Call for papers for the CPSS workshop at KONVENS 2021
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The TRIPLE Consortium is pleased to invite you to attend the next training session
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A summary of the open call for interest for CLARIN2021