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At the end of December 2015 CLARIN-LT has celebrated their first anniversary of Lithuania joining CLARIN . To commemorate this event a seminar took place at the Vytautas Magnus University to overview the activities and achievements of CLARIN-LT consortium after Lithuania’s one year of membership


There will be 4 workshops over the next two years as part of the CLARIN-PLUS project, which will focus on using CLARIN in research. To ensure that we make a success of these events, we need to draw on the collective knowledge of the CLARIN network to identify successful applications of language and speech technology in these domains.


November and December were busy months for CLARIN.SI, especially in the area of user engagement. In cooperation with the Slovenian research project JANES (Resources, Tools and Methods for the Research of Nonstandard Internet Slovenian), the Slovenian Language Technologies Society, and the Swiss project ReLDI (Regional Linguistic Data Initiative) we organised the Conference Slovenian on the Web and in New Media on 25–27 November 2015 in Ljubljana.


As of today, the 71 Italian Identity Providers have been added to the Service Provider Federation. This means that all users with an account at one of these academic organisations can use federated login to access the password-protected CLARIN services, e.g. the recently added Corpuscle corpus analysis system.


On 19 and 20 November the CLARIN General Assembly had its annual meeting in Copenhagen. The meeting counted 31 participants from 17 countries (including the CLARIN ERIC Board of Directors), several more than last year.


We are happy to announce that Finland has joined CLARIN on 1 November 2015, becoming its 17th full member.


As announced at the latest centre committee meeting, the deadline to participate in the 6th assessment round is 19 November. Please note that the B-centre checklist has been slightly revised (some URLs were updated). If you have not started yet, please use the latest version of the checklist.


On September 24, 2015, the Czech National Consortium LINDAT/CLARIN organized a one-day Digital Humanities Workshop in Prague. The workshop took place under the auspices of the Czech Ministry of education, youth and sport and it was supported also by the EHRI and CESSDA research infrastructures. The

Maarten van Gompel

The 2015 CLARIN Young Scientist Award has been awarded to Maarten van Gompel of the Radboud University Nijmegen for his groundbreaking work on FoLiA and CLAM. The award ceremony took place at the annual CLARIN Conference, held this year in Wrocław, Poland.


We are happy to announce that Italy has joined CLARIN on 1 October 2015, becoming its 16th full member.

Photo: Eric Brinkhorst

As of 1 September 2015, Prof. dr. Franciska de Jong has taken up her post of Executive Director of CLARIN .


Norway joined the CLARIN on 1 Oct 2015, bringing the total number of full members up to fifteen.


The facted browser, now at its new host, has been upgraded to version 3.3. The major addition to this version is the support for advanced querying.


CLARIN has received two years funding from the EC for a stronger central technical hub, an improved website and for bringing in new countries and user communities. The kick-off meeting on 9th September brought most key participants together.


The CLARIN Young Scientist Award is given annually to an outstanding young scientist or engineer in recognition of major contributions to the areas of language resource building, tool development, and knowledge sharing.


The conference proceedings in this volume present a selection of the highlights of the CLARIN 2014 Annual Conference in which members of the CLARIN community share their experiences and results.

Talk of Europe Creative Camp

CLARIN has some very diverse communities of current and potential users. How should we identify them, and how should we prioritize them in our outreach activities?

Collage of CLARIN-UK members

The UK is the latest addition to the fast-growing CLARIN family, joining as an Observer in July 2015.

CLARIN Services snapshot

Looking for language data and tools? CLARIN offers a number of ways for you to find and use a variety of software applications for language processing and sets of linguistic data. Whether you're looking for a parser for Estonian, transcription tools for spoken Swedish, optical character recognition

14th International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories

The 14th edition of TLT will take place at the Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, on 11–12 December 2015.