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CLARIN Annual Conference 2023

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Photo: Groot Begijnhof, Leuven, Belgium

About the CLARIN Annual Conference

The CLARIN Annual Conference was the main annual event for those working on the construction and operation of CLARIN across Europe, as well as for representatives of the communities of use in the humanities and social sciences.

After the successful hybrid edition of 2022, we have repeated the same format in 2023. The CLARIN Conference 2023 was a face-to-face event, which was also fully accessible virtually. The conference took place in the historic city of Leuven, Belgium, at the heritage campus of the Irish College. The event was hosted and organised by CLARIN ERIC, in collaboration with KU Leuven,  CLARIN-BE and the Instituut voor Nederlandse Taal.

CLARIN2023 was organised for the wider humanities and social sciences communities in order to exchange ideas and experiences within the CLARIN infrastructure. This includes the design, construction and operation of the CLARIN infrastructure, the data, tools and services that it contains or for which there is a need, its actual use by researchers, its relation to other infrastructures and projects, and the CLARIN Knowledge Infrastructure.

We are pleased to have welcomed authors of accepted papers, members of national consortia and representatives of CLARIN centres, representatives from partner organisations, and many others who are interested in becoming part of the CLARIN community.


The 2023 CLARIN Annual Conference has taken place as a hybrid event. Virtual attendance was open to the wider public and the link will be shared publicly for future editions. 


NOTE: all calls are now closed
Call for Abstracts (closed)
Nominations Steven Krauwer Awards 2023 (closed)
PhD Student Session (closed)
  • Read more about the PhD Student session
  • Deadlines:
    • Decision on the candidates within the national consortium: Mid July 2023
    • Submission deadline: 8 September 2023
Using CLARIN in Training and Education (closed)
CLARIN Bazaar (closed)
  • If you would like to have a stall in the bazaar, please sign up through the link that is available on the Bazaar page
  • Application deadline: 6 October.


The conference has run from Monday 16 October, 16:00 CEST, until Wednesday 18 October, 13:00 CEST. Closed meetings of CLARIN committees have preceded the event on Monday between 9:00 and 15:30 CEST.
The full programme of CLARIN2023 lists all sessions and events in detail.


Jörg Tiedemann is professor of language technology at the Department of Digital Humanities at the University of Helsinki. He received his PhD in computational linguistics for work on bitext alignment and machine translation from Uppsala University before moving to the University of Groningen for 5 years of post-doctoral research on question answering and information extraction. His main research interests are connected with massively multilingual data sets and data-driven natural language processing and he currently runs an ERC-funded project on representation learning and natural language understanding.

Laurence Devillers is a full professor of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at Sorbonne University and heads the research team on 'Affective and social dimensions in Spoken interactions with (ro)bots: technological and ethical issues' at CNRS-LISN. Since 2020, she also has also been project coordinator of the interdisciplinary project on AI and digital nudge 'HUMAAINE: HUman-MAchine Affective INteraction & Ethics' at CNRS. Her topics of research are Human-Machine co-evolution: from the modelling of emotions and human-robot dialogue to the ethical impacts for society and the risks and benefits of AI. She is involved in the tripartite project LeCycl. She is a member of the National Pilot Committee for Digital Ethics (CNPEN). She is president of the Foundation Blaise Pascal on cultural mediation on Mathematics and Computer Science. She is responsible of the JTC21/CEN_CENELEC WG4 on Foundational and Societal Impact of AI that include AI-enhanced Nudging, Trustworthiness AI and 'Green' AI. She has written books that have attracted a wide audience: Les robots émotionnels (ed. L'Obs., 2020) and Des Robots et des Hommes: mythes, fantasmes et réalité (ed. Plon, 2017).


All abstracts can be found in the Conference Proceedings

Presenter Guidelines

Presenters of thematic sessions, Teaching with CLARIN session, PhD-students session and Bazaar are advised to take a look at the presenter guidelines. Here you will find information about sending your slides to the organisers, available equipment, and more. 

Arriving in Leuven

For instructions on how to reach Leuven, please consult this document provided by the city of Leuven: How to
reach Leuven?

Conference Venue

Irish College Leuven
Janseniusstraat 1
Leuven, 3000 Belgium
Email: reception [at] (reception[at]irishcollegeleuven[dot]eu)

Arriving by Train

From Leuven central train station you can reach the conference venue in the following ways:

  • You can take a 20-minute walk via Bondgenotenlaan.
  • Take bus line 2 (direction Kessel-Lo Heverlee). Get off after six stops at Leuven. Sint-Michielskerk. From here, it is a 5-minute walk to the Irish College.
  • Take a taxi, which will take about 13 minutes.

Arriving by Plane

Leuven is located around 30 minutes from Brussels airport. 

  • IC trains to Leuven (direction Zaventem) run regularly (around every 15 minutes in the day time). From the station, there are several options (see above).
  • By taxi, you can get directly to the conference venue. This will take around half an hour.

Restaurant/Reception Locations

16 October
  • Welcome reception: Historic Town Hall Leuven, Grote Markt 9, 3000 Leuven (approx. 10-minute walk from the conference venue)
  • Welcome dinner: Domus, Tiensestraat 8, 3000 Leuven (2-minute walk from the Town Hall)
17 October
  • Conference dinnerFaculty Club, Groot Begijnhof 14, 3000 Leuven (approx. 10-minute walk from the conference venue)
18 October
  • Post workshop dinner: Troubadour, Tiensestraat 32, 3000 Leuven
For how to move between your hotel and the conference venue, please see this page.

Code of Conduct

CLARIN aims to create a respectful, safe and inclusive environment for all participants of the CLARIN Annual Conference. CLARIN thus adopts this code of conduct to ensure all participants, regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, appearance, ethnicity, race, national origin, age, religion, or any other protected categories under applicable law, can interact in an open and welcoming environment. All participants are expected to behave with integrity and respect towards other participants attending the conference in-person or online.

FAQ Hybrid Event


Irish College Leuven
Janseniusstraat 1
3000 Leuven