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Call for Nominations: Steven Krauwer Awards 2023


These awards, named in honour of Steven Krauwer (the first Executive Director of CLARIN ) are given annually to outstanding scientists or engineers in recognition of outstanding contributions towards CLARIN goals in the areas of:

  • language resource building,
  • tool or service development,
  • exemplary use cases,
  • user involvement,
  • knowledge sharing,
  • and socio economic impact.


In 2023, Steven Krauwer Awards will be given in the following categories:

  • Early career CLARIN Researcher. The intended goal of this award is to promote a young person or a group of cooperating young persons below the age of 35.
  • CLARIN Achievement. The intended goal of this award is to recognize the work of a person or a group of cooperating people.


A certificate will be given to each recipient; in addition, the prize for Early career CLARIN Researcher will be 500 Euro.


The award recipients must be researchers or engineers working or PhD students studying in any of the countries or regions covered by CLARIN ERIC members, CLARIN ERIC observers or partners that have an agreement with CLARIN ERIC according to article 18 of the Statutes.

Each recipient of the award for Early career CLARIN Researcher should not have reached the age of 35 years on December 31, 2023.

Each recipient of the award for CLARIN achievements or Early career CLARIN Researcher should be a single person or a group of named people who have closely cooperated with each other.


The recipients will be selected by the National Coordinators’ Forum ( ) of CLARIN ERIC. The NCF is responsible for establishing the procedure for reviewing the nominees’ work and for selecting the award recipients.


There will be a prize ceremony at the CLARIN Annual Conference.


Nominators and nominees must be working in the countries or regions covered by CLARIN ERIC members or by CLARIN ERIC observers.

Nominators should provide a written account of the nominees' work and the reasons it is felt to be an exceptional contribution to CLARIN and of a significant impact. We especially appreciate contributions to the socio-economic impact of CLARIN.

Concerning contribution, examples of areas that may be considered include: language resources building, tools or service development, exemplary use cases, user involvement or knowledge sharing.

In a similar way, a wide variety of factors may be considered as showing the CLARIN related impact of the work of a nominee (or nominees), e.g. mature state of the contributions, language and geographical range of contribution, numbers of users, their diversity and level of involvement, the level of real use, diversity of research and domains supported, number of users or use cases among SSH researchers from outside the CLARIN community, or other forms of visibility, influence on other researchers and number of followers, high quality publications on the contributions, impact on the SSH society. In the case of resources and software availability, visibility and accessibility of the relevant data or software in the CLARIN infrastructure, as well as open source nature of software, availability on code repositories (e.g. Github), or open access to data, if relevant, are expected.

A list of bibliographic references to the nominees' work, relevant links to language resources, language tools, use cases, user involvement, knowledge sharing and/or other related activities by the nominees are desirable as explanations for the nomination.

Nominations should be uploaded via EasyChair according to the evaluation procedure (CE-2023-2192).

Nomination Deadline

 28 April 2023, 5.00 pm CET

Submission procedure

  1. The submissions should be done via EasyChair, using the following link:
  2. One should choose the SKA Award category:
  • track (**invitation only!** CLARIN2023 (Steven Krauwer Awards: Early career CLARIN Researcher))
  • track (**invitation only!** CLARIN2023 (Steven Krauwer Awards: CLARIN Achievements))
  1. Information to be provided:
  • Author: the information about the person who submits the application    
  • Title: Name of the candidate person or a group of cooperating people who are nominated 
  • Keywords: keywords defining the field of work of the nominee(s)
  • Paper: Actual application (pdf file that follows the instructions given in this Call for nominations (CE-2023-2191)
  1. Technical rules:
  • “**invitation only!**” in the track selection name does not mean technical restrictions, but rather indicates for the author who might be submitting their papers to the main conference tracks that this is not the track for them to use.
  • The nomination itself does not have to go through the national coordinator, but it is advisable to inform them about the nomination (in case they are not the nominees), so that the NCs can plan the attendance of SKA meeting.