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PhD Student Session at CLARIN2023

The 2023 edition of the CLARIN Annual Conference will again feature a PhD Students Session. The aim of the session is to enable PhD students to share the next generation of research (supported by or contributing to the CLARIN infrastructure), and receive feedback on their work from CLARIN experts. 

The PhD students will have the opportunity to present their work as a poster during the CLARIN Annual Conference 2023. 


Prize for Best PhD Poster

New in 2023 is an award for Best PhD Poster Presentation, for which the will act as the selection committee. The award will be handed out during the closing ceremony of the conference. 


PhD Session

1 Federica Gamba Omnia Mutantur: Latin Treebanks in Universal Dependencies as a Gateway to the Investigation of Language Change (poster)
2 Guolin Fang Speech Synthesis Modelling Using Epoch Features
3 Piotr Wyroślak Benefaction in Polish. An Analysis of the Interplay with Related Functions
4 Marco De Cristofaro Unveiling Publishers' Memoirs: a CLARIN-Enabled Investigation into Publishers' Autobiographies and the Dynamics of Book Production (poster)
5 Dolores Lemmenmeier Using the CLARIN Infrastructure for Enhancing the Use of Spoken Corpora and Corpus Platforms (poster)
6 Kristīna Korneliusa Applying CLARIN Tools for Multidimensional Analysis of Subjectivity in Different Types of News Produced by Native Speakers and Speakers of English as a Foreign Language
7 Taja Kuzman and Nikola Ljubešić Automatic Genre Identification for Enrichment of Corpora with Genre Metadata (poster)
8 Nina Claudia Rastinger Re-Reading Lists in Historical Newspapers: Digital Insights into an Overlooked Text Type (poster)
9 Jens Lemmens Towards User-Friendly Topic Modeling and Stylometry
10 Wieke Harmsen Large-Scale Automatic Research to Children’s Reading and Writing Development
11 Jesse Holmes Dependency Length and Differential Object Marking: A Cross-Linguistic Corpus Study
12 Stian Rødven-Eide Towards Argumentation Mining in the Swedish Parliamentary Debates
13 Isuri Anuradha Knowledge Modelling with Holocaust Testimonies
14 Sandra Paškevičiūtė Linguistic Analysis of Lithuanian Podcasts
15 Nina Schneidermann Building a Comprehensive Danish Hyperbole Corpus: A Discourse-Level Approach to Exaggeration in Language (poster)