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National Coordinators' Forum

The National Coordinators' Forum (NCF) is a permanent Committee that reports to the Board of Directors. Its main responsibility is to ensure the coordination of the implementation of the strategies laid out by the General Assembly. The Forum shall have to maintain coherence and consistency across CLARIN and collaboration between the members. Its main tasks are:

  • To serve as a forum for CLARIN national consortia to exchange ideas and experiences
  • To coordinate the national level implementation and exploitation of the CLARIN infrastructure between CLARIN national consortia
  • To help the Board of Directors (BoD) coordinate access to existing and newly created resources, tools, and services available at the national level
  • To help the BoD coordinate the CLARIN knowledge sharing infrastructure
  • To advise the BoD on any issues deemed relevant for the implementation and exploitation of the CLARIN infrastructure.
  • To prepare an annual overview of the state of the national implementation of the CLARIN infrastructure for the General Assembly.

The Strategy and Management Board (SAMBA) is a subcommittee of the NCF charged with the task of preparing the decision-taking for issues related to strategic planning and budgeting & finances.

Krister Lindén Chair Finland
Andreas Witt Vice-chair Germany
Tanja Wissik Member Austria
Vincent Vandeghinste Vincent Vandeghinste Member Belgium
Kiril Simov Member Bulgaria
Marko Tadić Member Croatia
Marinos Ioannides Member Cyprus
Eva Hajičová Member Czechia
Costanza Navarretta Member Denmark
Joshua Wilbur Member Estonia
Stelios Piperidis Member Greece
Tamás Váradi Member Hungary
Starkaður Barkarson Member Iceland
Monica Monachini Member Italy
Inguna Skadiņa Member Latvia
Jurgita Vaičenonienė Member Lithuania
Gijsbert Rutten Member Netherlands
Gunn Inger Lyse Samdal Member Norway
Maciej Piasecki Member Poland
António Branco Member Portugal
Tomaž Erjavec Member Slovenia
Friedel Wolff Member South Africa
German Rigau Member Spain
Lars Borin Member Sweden
Cristina Grisot Observer Switzerland
Martin Wynne Observer United Kingdom