The video recordings from the CLARIN Workshop "Database Enterprise for Language and Speech Disorders (DELAD)" that took place in Cork, Ireland, on 15-17 November 2017 have been uploaded to CLARIN page.
Meet Melvin Wevers, a Digital Humanities researcher focusing on the study of cultural-historical phenomena with the use of computational means.
We are happy to announce that "PolLinguaTec - CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Polish Language Technology" has been officially recognized as a CLARIN K-Centre.
Find out more about the CLARIAH-NL series of workshops on Linked Data, which is a technological initiative that aims to ensure a greater degree of dynamic interoperability between language resources provided by the infrastructure.
Blog post written by Yin Yin Lu, with contributions from Martin Wynne.
The workshop took place on 11-13 October 2017 at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium.
A blog post by Yin Yin Lu who received a CLARIN Mobility Grant in October 2017.
Call for participation: Application deadline is 14 december 2017
Find out more about the MIMORE, a search engine for the investigation of morphosyntactic variation in Dutch dialects
In this issue: Europeana milestone report, CoreTrustSeal documentation and webinar recording, Language Resource and Tool inventory clean-up, New Service Provider: Glossa, Attribute checker, Fedora user group meeting, Maintenance