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Aiming for B


The CLARIN-CH consists of the Linguistic Research Infrastructure, which is the technical data/service centre and LaRS/SWISSUbase repository. The goal is to assemble Swiss data/services in a single FAIR compliant repository for Swiss and CLARIN community.

Centre type
Corpus linguistics, experimental linguistics, linguistic data science, NLP, statistical analysis

Aiming for B

Aiming for B

CLARIN Switzerland (LiRI)


CEDIFOR is a Digital Humanities Centre funded by the BMBF and located at GU Frankfurt, TU Darmstadt, and DIPF (Frankfurt)

Centre type
Advising researchers from the Humanities, Social, and Educational Sciences on adopting computer based methods in their research

Aiming for B

Aiming for B

Centre for the Digital Foundation of Research in the Humanities, Social, and Educational Sciences