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CLARIN Café: Online and Desktop Tools for Querying a Language Corpus

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General Information  

This edition of the CLARIN Café is organised by: Martin Wynne, Senior Researcher in Corpus Linguistics and National Coordinator for CLARIN-UK, University of Oxford. The CLARIN host will be Francesca Frontini. 

Date: 15/09/2022

Time: 14:00-16:15 (CEST)

Venue: CLARIN virtual Zoom meeting

Twitter hashtag: #CLARINcafe

The Café is organised with the framework of a CLARIN Resource Families project.

A full overview of the Café sessions can be found on the CLARIN Café page.


Text and corpus analysis lie at the heart of digital scholarship in the humanities and social sciences, and are supported by software tools which are vital to research, teaching and learning. These software tools represent prime examples of the ways in which language technologies can support research across a range of disciplines. One of the difficulties for users of these tools is the sheer range and variety of them. A recent CLARIN project has attempted to address this problem by gathering information and publishing a Resource Family to provide users, both expert and novice, with a free online guide to the discovery and use of these vital tools. This cafe will present tips on how to find, select and use tools, and invite feedback on the findings so far.

How to Join

You can register at this link.



14:00 - 14:10 Welcome and Introduction. Francesca Frontini, CLARIN

14:10 - 14:30 Tools for corpus analysis: a survey and guide to finding the right one. Martin Wynne, University of Oxford, UK

14:30 - 14:50  #LancsBox: a new-generation software package for the analysis of language data and corpora. Vaclav Brezina, Lancaster University, UK

14:50 - 15:10 AntConc: a corpus analysis toolkit for concordancing and text analysis. Laurence Anthony, Waseda University, Japan

15:10-15:15 break

15:15 - 15:35  KonText: an online corpus query interface and its use in CLARIN. Michal Kren, Charles University, Prague

15:35  Discussion panel: what steps can we take to make corpus tools easier to find, use and connect together?

16:00 End of the event



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