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Service Provider Federation


General Information

The goal of the SPF is to connect multiple CLARIN Service Providers to several national Identity Federations, to make password-protected resources (files, web applications) available to academic users from many EU countries. Thanks to this federated login, the majority of resources are available to anyone with an academic account from many European countries, see this curated list of protected resources.

To achieve this, each CLARIN centre signs an agreement, giving the power of attorney to the CLARIN ERIC. The CLARIN can then sign subsequent agreements with the national Identity Federations involved, to ensure that they give their users access to the CLARIN services. This construction avoids the situation where each CLARIN centre would need to sign an agreement with each Identity Federation.

The currently operational Service Providers are tabulated by the Centre Registry.

Participating Identity Federations

We aim at including all European federations, however CLARIN member countries get the highest priority. See the participating identity federations below.

Country Federation Status Opt-in
Austria ACOnet Connected (via national federation). OK (not required)
Belgium Belnet Connected (via national federation). OK (not required)
Croatia AAI@eduHR Connected (via eduGAIN).  
Cyprus CyNet Connected (via eduGAIN).  
Czech Republic Connected (via eduGAIN). OK (not required)
Denmark,  Iceland WAYF Connected (via eduGAIN). OK (not required)
Estonia TAAT Connected (via eduGAIN). OK (not required, attribute release mandatory)
Finland Haka Connected (via eduGAIN). OK (not required)
France Fédération Éducation-Recherche Connected (via eduGAIN).  
Germany DFN-AAI Connected (via national federation). OK (not required)
Greece GRNET Federation Connected (via eduGAIN).  
Hungary Connected (via eduGAIN).  
Italy IDEM GARR Connected (via eduGAIN). OK (not required)
Latvia LAIFE Connected (via eduGAIN).  
Lithuania LITNET fedi Connected (via eduGAIN).  
The Netherlands SURFconext Connected (via national federation). Single opt-in required for the CLARIN Service Providers (as a group)
Norway FEIDE Connected (via eduGAIN). Opt-in required per Service Provider (letter to IdPs with opt-in request is planned).
Poland PIONIER.Id Connected (via eduGAIN).  
Portugal RCTSaai Connected (via national federation). OK (not required)
Slovenia ArnesAAI Connected (via eduGAIN).  
South Africa SAFIRE Connected (via eduGAIN). OK (not required)
Sweden SWAMID Connected (via eduGAIN). OK (not required)
Switzerland SWITCHaai Connected (via eduGAIN). OK (not required)
United Kingdom UK Federation Connected (via eduGAIN). OK (not required)

Technical Details

For more information on the technical details (relating to metadata, production SPs etc.), see the For Infrastructure Developers section.