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Photo: Eric Brinkhorst

As of 1 September 2015, Prof. dr. Franciska de Jong has taken up her post of Executive Director of CLARIN .


Norway joined the CLARIN on 1 Oct 2015, bringing the total number of full members up to fifteen.


The facted browser, now at its new host, has been upgraded to version 3.3. The major addition to this version is the support for advanced querying.


CLARIN has received two years funding from the EC for a stronger central technical hub, an improved website and for bringing in new countries and user communities. The kick-off meeting on 9th September brought most key participants together.


The CLARIN Young Scientist Award is given annually to an outstanding young scientist or engineer in recognition of major contributions to the areas of language resource building, tool development, and knowledge sharing.


The conference proceedings in this volume present a selection of the highlights of the CLARIN 2014 Annual Conference in which members of the CLARIN community share their experiences and results.

Talk of Europe Creative Camp

CLARIN has some very diverse communities of current and potential users. How should we identify them, and how should we prioritize them in our outreach activities?

Collage of CLARIN-UK members

The UK is the latest addition to the fast-growing CLARIN family, joining as an Observer in July 2015.

CLARIN Services snapshot

Looking for language data and tools?

14th International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories

The 14th edition of TLT will take place at the Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, on 11–12 December 2015.