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CLARIN ERIC wants to give a boost to its external communication and outreach and has created a job opening for a Communications Officer (0.4 fte)


In this issue: New centres, Improved Discovery Service, Email and DNS migration, Updated beta version of the and Planned maintenance




CLARIN-D, the national CLARIN consortium in Germany, organized a workshop on Language Technology for Digital Humanities (LT4DH) at COLING 2016, which took place in Osaka on 11 December 2016.


In this issue: Digital Collections of Newspapers, new questions, service status, metadata curation module, website update, new CLARIN-PLUS deliverable

Videolectures icon circle

The video recordings from the workshop WordNet as Lexicographical Resource (wnlex) have been uploaded to CLARIN page.


The PARTHENOS Research Infrastructure Project invites you to attend their workshop “Introducing PARTHENOS – Integrating the Digital Humanities” in Florence (Prato), Italy, on 14 December.


The 2016 Steven Krauwer Award for Young Scientists is awarded to Liesbeth Augustinus (KU Leuven) for her outstanding work on making example-based treebank search in multiple languages available to linguists and other humanities scho


In this issue: Latvia and Poland in SPF, 1.2 spec, Metadata Harvesting schedule, Software Development Guidelines, CLARIN-PLUS Deliverables, Workshops


Call for participation: Workshop on "Multilingual corpus annotation tools: development and integration" (Ljubljana November 10-11, 2016).