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Centre news vol. 28 - November 2016

Submitted by Dieter Van Uytvanck on

Working with Digital Collections of Newspapers - Workshop material

The material of the recent CLARIN-PLUS workshop on digital newspaper collections is now available - including video recordings of all presentations. An excellent opportunity to catch up with the state of affairs if you were not able to attend!

Renewed DSA questions available

The renewed Data Seal of Approval self-assessment questionnaire is now available in this document. The website will be updated based on the questions from this version.

CLARIN service status

Recently the service status page has been updated. It now includes a reference to where you can find a real-time overview of the state of the central services and A-services.

Developers and system administrators can find more information about this on the CLARIN trac. (no account? See

Now available: Metadata Curation module

Are you providing metadata? Did you know there is an online dashboard available to gather feedback on the quality of your metadata? Background information about this curation module is available here.

Website update & solution for access denied on login

Last week the setup of the CLARIN website was changed. It is now running redundantly, with automatic failover to a (read-only) backup instance in case of problems with the main instance. A technical summary is available on the trac. As a user of the website you should not notice anything except shorter downtimes during maintenance windows.

There is however one side-effect: if you were logged in to before the migration, it is possible that you now get an Access Denied error message. This can be resolved by removing the cookies for the domain (instructions for Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer).

If you still experience issues after removing these cookies, please contact webmaster [at] (webmaster[at]clarin[dot]eu).

CLARIN-PLUS Deliverables

The following deliverable reports are now available:

An overview of all deliverables is available on the website.