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Digital Humanities 2017 Conference

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Co-organised by McGill University and the Université de Montréal, DH2017 is taking place on 8-11 August 2017 in downtown Montréal, Canada on the campus of McGill University. This is the premiere annual conference of the international Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO). The theme of DH2017 is “Access/Accès”. Visit the conference website to find out more.

The European Digital Humanities is well represented among the participants and presenters at DH2017. There are several papers presenting European digital research from our colleagues in DARIAH-EU and PARTHENOS (see table below), and from CLARIN teams. We are also delighted to share a booth with DARIAH-EU at DH2017, which allows the conference attendees to get an insight into the organization of European research infrastructures. At the booth, there will also be a demo of the Digital Humanitites course registry that has been relaunched as a joint effort of the European research infrastructures CLARIN  and DARIAH-EU. 










Access To Cultural Heritage Data: A Challenge For The Digital Humanities


Anne Baillot, Marie Puren, Charles Riondet and Laurent Romary


-12   How Access Determines The Whole Structuration Of A European Infrastructure: The Example Of DARIAH   Suzanne Dumouchel  DARIAH



Scaling up Arts and Humanities - The DARIAH Approach to Data and Services


Aurélien Berra, Vanessa Hannesschläger, Chad Gaffield, Nicolas Larrousse, Mike Priddy, Paulin Ribbe and Carsten Thiel


LP-13   Literary Exploration Machine. New Tool for Distant Readers of Polish Literature   Maciej Piasecki, Tomasz Walkowiak, Maciej Maryl CLARIN-PL
SP-28   Towards a Digital Narratology of Space   Gabriel Viehhauser-Mery, Florian Barth

Universität Stuttgart


Facilitating Fine-Grained Open Annotations of Scholarly Sources


Peter Boot, Ronald Haentjens Dekker, Marijn Koolen, Liliana Melgar

Huygens ING,
University of Amsterdam



German History-Digital: Platform for Transnational Historical Knowledge Co-creation


Matthew Hiebert, Simone Lässig, Andreas Witt

German Historical Institute Washington DC

University of Cologne

SP-01   Topic Patterns in an Academic Literary Journal: The Case Of "Teksty Drugie"   Maciej Maryl, Maciej Eder CLARIN-PL:
Polish Academy of Sciences
SP-22   Transcription of Encoded Manuscripts with Image Processing Techniques   Alicia Fornes, Beáta Megyesi, Joan Mas

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Uppsala University






Here are some useful links to follow up on DH2017:

During the DH2017, the AVinDH SIG (Special Interest Group AudioVisual material in Digital Humanities) organised its third workshop on Monday 7 August 2017. This year’s theme was ‘Computer Vision in Digital Humanities‘. Franciska de Jong, the Director of CLARIN was chairing the workshop programme committe - see images below with all involved. To read more about the workshop click here and here for detailed programme and slides. The organisers set up a collaborative document for minutes from the workshop, which can be accessed here.