We are very happy to announce that the third volume of the Tour de CLARIN publication is now online, and can be accessed here.
The Tour de CLARIN
Since 2016, the Tour de CLARIN initiative has been periodically highlighting prominent user involvement activities in the CLARIN network in order to increase the visibility of its members, reveal the richness of the CLARIN landscape, and display the full range of activities that show what CLARIN has to offer to researchers, teachers, students, professionals and the general public interested in using and processing language data in various forms. In 2019, we expanded the initiative to also feature the work of CLARIN Knowledge Centres, which offer knowledge and expertise in specific areas provide to researchers, educators and developers alike. Initially conceived as a series of blog posts published on the CLARIN website, Tour de CLARIN soon proved to be one of our flagship outreach initiatives, which has been released in the form of two printed volumes published in 2018 and 2019.
About the third volume
This third volume of Tour de CLARIN is organized into two parts. In Part 1, we present the six countries which have been featured since January 2020:
- Norway,
- the United Kingdom
- Germany, France
- South Africa
- Iceland.
In Part 2, we present the work of the six Knowledge Centres that have been visited since the publication of the second volume in November 2019:
- the Impact-CKC K-centre
- the Knowledge Centre for Polish Language technology
- the Phonogrammarchiv Knowledge Centre
- the Knowledge Centre for Atypical Communication Expertise
- the LUND University Humanities Lab Knowledge Centre
- the Spanish Knowledge Centre