Recently The Language Archive has launched a new portal to the Archive, which contains all sorts of documentation material of more than one hundred endangered languages.
The DOBES programme, funded by the German Volkswagen Foundation, consisted of 72 documentation projects over a period of 13 years. All data collected in these projects was and is still being archived at the DOBES Archive, which is part of TLA in Nijmegen.
The new portal provides different target audiences an easy to use and attractive looking way to access the archived material of languages that are in danger of becoming extinct. The portal makes use of a WordPress CMS and combines general information about the programme and the various documentation projects with a search interface that connects to the metadata catalog of The Language Archive via a web service.
The portal indicates what the access conditions for the search results are and material that is accessible to the particular user can be viewed or downloaded directly from within the portal. User authentication to the portal is done via Shibboleth in a way that the same user accounts and the same access permissions as the ones in the archive are used.
More information can be found on the website of the DOBES Archive.