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A Message from Franciska de Jong

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The end of 2022 is also the moment that I will step down as Executive Director of CLARIN . I started to work for CLARIN in the summer of 2015, the beginning of a journey that brought many moments of discovery, the unravelling of complexity, achievements, innovation and growth. Language matters, and therefore language resources matter. So leading the mission of making them findable and accessible, and pointing out the potential for impact along many dimensions of the richness that has been collected, annotated and deposited, in growing volumes and for a wide diversity of languages, has been a deeply rewarding role. The journey also brought many moments of personal inspiration and satisfaction, not least because of the many moments of warm collegial collaboration and exchange.

And the future? The landscape of research infrastructures in which CLARIN is positioned is very dynamic and there always seem to be new horizons. But even though some of the envisaged scenarios for the future may never materialise, I trust that there will be a multitude of ways in which another generation of experts can show the way for CLARIN to be able to adapt to new conditions and policy frameworks. Being a crucial building block for any new stage that will result from the evolutionary path taken, that is what I wish for CLARIN. And of course that it can continue its role in enhancing the options for exploring the cultural and societal diversity that is reflected in language. Good vibes for 2023 and beyond!