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Darja Fišer new Director of User Involvement

Submitted by Linda Stokman on


We are pleased to announce that, as of 1 October 2016, Darja Fišer will take up the post of Director of User Involvement within CLARIN . She will take over from Martin Wynne who was responsible for the User Involvement activities in the past three years.


With a strong background in Digital Humanities and User Involvement Darja Fišer is more than qualified to bring the activities aiming to stimulate the use of the CLARIN infrastructure to the next level.

Says the new director: “If you want more researchers to understand the value of the infrastructure and make best use of it, the best investment is the training of the next generation.“

Darja Fišer is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, currently active in the fields of computer-mediated communication and lexical semantics using corpus-linguistics methods and natural language processing. She is a member of the Management Committee of CLARIN.SI where she is in charge of user involvement at the national level and also a member of the CLARIN ERIC User Involvement Working Group.

The topic of her PhD was Slovene semantic lexicon construction with automatic methods. In her post-doctoral project, she worked on translation equivalent and false friend detection in non-parallel corpora. She is currently leading a national research project on the development of resources, tools and methods for the processing of Slovene user-generated content (The Janes Project) and is a project member of a national research project on the corpus construction, processing and analysis of Slovene academic language (KAS-Corpus of Academic Slovenian).

She is Chair of the Unit for lexicology, terminology and language technologies at the Department of Translation, President of the Slovenian Language Technologies Society and Co-chair of the FoLLi Steering Committee of the biggest European summer school on language, logic and computation ESSLLI. She has been awarded for outstanding research achievement by the National Research Agency in 2011 and has received a best paper award at the international conference LTC in Poznan, Poland in 2007. She is a member of several editorial boards of international scientific journals, and programme committee member of about 10 annual international conferences. She has been Chair of the programme and organizing committees of several national and international conferences and summer schools.

Watch an interview with Darja Fišer on the CLARIN ERIC YouTube channel.