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CLARIN at LREC2022: Tuesday 21

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You can see today's CLARIN presence at LREC2022 below. To consult the full schedule of CLARIN's presence at LREC2022 click here.
11:40- 13:00 (Poster Area 1) 
Session P1: Language Resource Infrastructures and Policy issues. Chair: Labropoulou, Penny Language Technologies for the Creation of Multilingual Terminologies. Lessons Learned from the SSHOC Project (Federica Gamba, Francesca Frontini, Daan Broeder and Monica Monachini) 
15:15 - 16:35 (Auditorium)
Session O5: Language Resource Policies and Management.
Chair: Di Persio, Denise, Co-Chair: Frontini, Francesca
 Ethical Issues in Language Resources and Language Technology – A Tentative Categorisation (Paweł Kamocki and Andreas Witt) 
16:55 - 18:15 (Poster Area 1)
Session P12: Evaluation and Validation Methodologies (1)
Chair: Refaee, Eshrag Ali A.
The Subject Annotations of the Danish Parliament Corpus (2009-2017) - Evaluation with Automatic Multi-label Classification. (Costanza Navarretta and Dorte Haltrup Hansen)
16:55 - 18:15  (Poster Area 1) Session: P10 - Lexicons (1)  
Chair: Olsen, Sussi
Making a Semantic Event-type Ontology Multilingual 
Zdenka Uresova, Karolina Zaczynska, Peter Bourgonje, Eva Fučíková, Georg Rehm, Jan Hajic
Charles University, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, 3Morningsun Technology, DFKI
NomVallex: A Valency Lexicon of Czech Nouns and Adjectives 
Veronika Kolářová, and Anna Vernerová, Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University