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CLARIN is Joining Horizon Europe OSCARS Project

Submitted by Karina Berger on


The five ‘Science Clusters’, which in the past four years worked together on funded projects under the Horizon 2020 programme, have now embarked on a new project: Horizon Europe OSCARS. The ambitious project, which aims to foster the uptake of Open Science in Europe by developing long-term interdisciplinary FAIR data services and working practices, will take place over the next four years. 

Many world-class European research infrastructures (RIs) are organised into one of the five major Science Clusters (Humanities and Social Sciences, Life Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Photon and Neutron Science, Astronomy, Nuclear and Particle Physics). In the past four years, the Science Clusters have worked towards making open data easily accessible to both researchers and the public, by promoting scientific data management for enabling Open Science.

As a result, the five Science Clusters are an integral part of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative and will further contribute to its development and implementation process through their participation in OSCARS.

CLARIN is proud to be participating in OSCARS as part of the SSHOC cluster. CLARIN is one of three research infrastructures from the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) area to represent the Cluster, together with DARIAH ERIC and CESSDA. Our involvement ensures that the SSH community is included in the project’s developments.   

To maintain the high momentum achieved during the Horizon 2020 programme, OSCARS has been granted ~25M EUR funding in the framework of the European Commission Horizon Europe call HORIZON-INFRA-2023-EOSC-01-01, under grant agreement no. 101129751, and will be implemented in the next four years.

For more information, visit the OSCARS project page.