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Call for Papers DH2019

Submitted by Linda Stokman on

DH2019  | 9-12 July 2019  | TivoliVredenburg, Utrecht

The Digital Humanities (DH) Conference is the annual international conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations. In 2019, the DH Conference (DH2019) will be hosted by Utrecht University and will take place from 9 till 12 July in the medieval city of Utrecht in the Netherlands. Spread across three conference days and two days of pre-conference workshops, participants will present their newest DH-research and the applications of their work. Conference webite: 

Call for papers

The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) invites submission of proposals for its annual conference.

The theme of the 2019 conference is Complexities. This theme has a multifaceted connection with Digital Humanities scholarship. Complexities intends to inspire people to focus on DH as the humanist way of building complex models of complex realities, analysing them with computational methods and communicating the results to a broader public. The theme also invites people to think of the theoretical, social, and cultural complexity and diversity in which DH scholarship is immersed and asks our community to interact consciously and critically in myriad ways, through the conference and the networks, institutions and the enterprises interested in DH research. Finally, it means involving the next generation, teaching DH to students—the people who will need to deal with the complexities of the future.

Proposals for posters, short papers, long papers, or multiple-panel papers should be submitted to the International Program Committee. Submission deadline for abstracts: 27 November 2018, 11:59pm GMT. For workshops and tutorials the deadline for proposals is 10 January 2019, 11:59pm GMT. Notice of acceptance can be expected by 3 March 2019.

Read the full call for papers