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Call for Nominations: Steven Krauwer Award 2022

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The call for nominations for the Steven Krauwer Awards 2022 is now open. The awards, named in honour of the first executive director of CLARIN, Steven Krauwer, are given in recognition of outstanding contributions towards CLARIN goals in the areas of language resource building, tool or service development, exemplary use cases, user involvement or knowledge sharing. In 2022, Steven Krauwer Awards will be aawarded in the following categories:

  • Early Career CLARIN Researcher, to promote a young person or a group of cooperating young persons aged 35 years or younger.
  • CLARIN Achievement, to recognise the work of a person or a group of cooperating people.

If you know someone eligible for nomination, please contact your National Coordinator by email and describe how this person meets the criteria for the selected award.

The nomination deadline is 29 April 2022, 17:00 CET.

The award ceremony will take place at the CLARIN Annual Conference 2022.

Read the full call