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B-Centre Certification of National Infrastructure for Language Resources & Technologies in Greece (CLARIN:EL)

Submitted by Julia Misersky on

We are pleased to announce that CLARIN:EL, the National Infrastructure for Language Resources & Technologies in Greece, has been successfully assessed as a CLARIN B-centre and has received a B-centre certificate.


CLARIN:EL is part of the National Roadmap for Research Infrastructures of Greece and collects, documents, curates and distributes digital language resources and tools, as well as providing certified online language processing services. CLARIN:EL thereby supports academics, students, language professionals and citizen scientists in the fields of language studies, digital humanities and social sciences, cultural heritage, language technology, artificial intelligence, computer science and beyond.

The CLARIN:EL network is coordinated by the Institute of Language and Speech Processing of the Athena Research Centre, and consists of 14 members. The network includes local repositories of affiliated institutions in Greece, as well as the Hosted Resources Repository (HRR) for non-affiliated contributors, all of which can be accessed through CLARIN:EL’s central inventory of language resources and services.

In March 2022, inspired by the CLARIN Resource Families initiative, CLARIN:EL launched a dissemination activity named Me, my family and other resources (the name is a pun based on Gerald Durrell’s book My family and other animals). CLARIN:EL resources are clustered in families organised according to certain common features, such as domain and/or thematic area, resource type, media type or time period/coverage. They are similar to human families: while  individual members may live independently in different parts of the world and each retain their autonomy and particular characteristics, they nonetheless constitute a unified whole. 

Roughly each month, a family is selected, in connection to an international day that falls into that month. For example, in celebration of World Poetry Day on 21 March, the Poetry Resource Family was selected, comprising poetry collections hosted in CLARIN:EL. Every time a resource from a family is promoted, other resources that are close or distant relatives of this resource are also featured. 

So far, four families have been presented: Poetry, Medicine/Health, Museums, and the Tatoeba family of resources. This somewhat playful dissemination activity encourages CLARIN:EL users to ‘Stay tuned and discover a different resource each month, including its family with close, or maybe not so close, relatives!’

This initiative has contributed to an  increased number of visits to CLARIN:EL during the first half of 2022, with close to 1,100 resource downloads, more than 240 requests for processing jobs, almost 35,000 page views and 10,000 visits.

CLARIN congratulates the National Infrastructure for Language Resources & Technologies in Greece (CLARIN:EL) and thanks all persons involved, in particular those responsible at the B-centre and the members of the assessment committee.