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General Assembly

The General Assembly ( ) represents the members of CLARIN ERIC. It is the body of CLARIN ERIC with full decision-making power. Each member has one vote. Each entity representing a member has nominated one official representative. Additionally each member may bring an expert to the GA meetings.  The General Assembly meets at least once a year, and has the following functions:

  1. Appoint, suspend or dismiss the Executive Director
  2. Appoint the Scientific Advisory Board
  3. Decide on strategies for the construction and exploitation of CLARIN and any other issues deemed relevant by the Board of Directors or by a member or group of members who requests it
  4. Approve the work programme and annual budget of CLARIN
  5. Decide at least every five years on the principles for calculating the annual fee for each member
  6. Approve annual reports and accounts of CLARIN ERIC
  7. Approve each member’s contribution to CLARIN
  8. Approve accession of new members and observers
  9. Decide on termination of membership and observer status
  10. Decide on winding up of CLARIN ERIC.

Details about the role and functioning of the General Assembly can be found in the CLARIN ERIC Statutes

The President of the General Assembly is Alice Dijkstra (Netherlands), the Vice President is Naďa Vaverová (Czech Republic).

Image First Name Last Name Membership status Country
Marlene Antretter Member Austria
Peter Spyns Member Belgium
Zornitsa Georgieva Member Bulgaria
Staša Skenžić Member Croatia
Demetris Nicolaou Member Cyprus
Naďa Vaverová Member Czech Republic
Dorthe Duncker Member Denmark
Maarja Lillak Member Estonia
Vilma Lehtinen Member Finland
Inga Hennicke-Aden Member Germany
Stelios Piperidis Member Greece
Hilda Nagy Member Hungary
Guðbjörg Jónsdóttir Member Iceland
Saverio Foti Member Italy
Edvards Francis Kuks Member Latvia
Rūta Petrauskaitė Member Lithuania
Alice Dijkstra Member Netherlands
Anna Głąbska Member Poland
Filipa Coelho Member Portugal
Domov Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport Albin Kralj Member Slovenia
Justus Christian Roux Member South Africa
María Rodriguez Parrilla Member Spain
Petter Tistedt Member Sweden
Lea Bühlmann Observer Switzerland
Tao Tao Chang Observer United Kingdom