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DARIAH Annual Event: Cultural Heritage Data as Humanities Research Data

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General Information

Date: 6-9 June 2023
Time: all day
Venue: Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, Trefort Garden Campus


Collections in libraries, archives and museums have been at the heart of humanities research for centuries. However, with the current focus on data-driven research, data management plans and the research data lifecycle, in what ways do we need to think differently about cultural heritage collections as data?

Inspired by the proclamation “cultural heritage data is humanities research data”, this year’s DARIAH Annual Event will seek to explore what this means in practice. What does it mean for cultural heritage institutions to provide access to their ‘collections as data’? Do we need to think of different workflows for digitised and born-digital datasets? Can we think of a humanities research data continuum? These are only some of the questions that the 2023 DARIAH Annual Event will explore.

CLARIN Presence at the Event

Accepted abstracts
  • Libraries as Data Infrastructures: Towards a CENL Dialogue Forum. Peter Leinen, Sally Chambers, Andreas Witt, Martin Wynne, Martijn Kleppe, Frédéric Lemmers, Hélène Bergès and Marie Carlin
  • CLARIN Resource Families for Oral History. Jakob Lenardič, Silvia Calamai, Stefania Scagliola, and Henk van den Heuvel.
