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CLARIN Café on the Rights of Data Subjects in Language Resources

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General information

This edition of the CLARIN Café is organized by Paweł Kamocki and Vanessa Hannesschläger, chair and vice-chair of the CLARIN Legal and Ethical Issues Committee (CLIC).

  • Date: 30 March 2021
  • Time: 14:00 - 16:00 (CEST)
  • Venue: CLARIN virtual Zoom meeting
  • Twitter hashtag: #CLARINcafe
This CLARIN Café is supported by the TRIPLE project (grant agreement number: 863420) and will be introduced by Francesca Frontini (Member of the CLARIN Board of Directors). 
A full overview of the Café sessions scheduled can be found on the CLARIN Café page.


Various language resources often contain personal data, i.e. information that relate to living individuals. The processing of such information is governed by the General Data Protection Regulation, which entered into application on 25 May 2018. The rights of data subjects are one of the central elements of the GDPR; the Regulation provides for a number of such rights, ranging from information and access to the right of erasure (also known as ‘the right to be forgotten’). The underlying idea is to grant individuals control over the processing of their personal data.

The rights of the data subjects and related procedures to safeguard them should be implemented already at the conception phase of a project, and in any case before the data collection starts. This is particularly important if the data are to be shared according to the Open Science principles, e.g. within the European Open Science Cloud. Insufficient fulfillment of obligations related to data subject rights have already been sanctioned by over 50 fines across Europe (

The CLARIN Café will be devoted specifically to the rights of data subjects in the GDPR, and it will provide answers to the following questions, among others:

  • What are the rights granted to data subjects by the GDPR?
  • Are these rights limited when personal data are processed for the purposes of language research?
  • How to handle data subjects’ requests related to the exercise of their rights?
  • Who is responsible for handling such requests?


  • Introduction to CLARIN and TRIPLE project (Francesca Frontini) (5 minutes)
  • Introduction to the rights of data subjects in the GDPR (Paweł Kamocki) (5 minutes)
  • Non-restraining rights of data subjects: information, access, rectification, and portability (Aleksei Kelli) (20 minutes)
  • Restraining rights of data subjects: right to be forgotten, to object, and to restrict processing (Paweł Kamocki) (20 minutes)
  • Rights of data subjects in academic practice (Esther Hoorn) (20 minutes)
  • Discussion (animated by Vanessa Hannesschläger)

How to join

Registration is closed. 

Recordings, slides & blog

About the Presenters

Esther Hoorn (1960) works in the legal department of the University of Groningen. She is also a member of the ethics board of the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences and a member of the CLARIN CLIC. She provides effective support to researchers, enabling them to carry out their research in compliance with the GDPR and to demonstrate good practices in their field. With a multi-disciplinary team she developed educational materials encouraging researchers to ask the right questions about the shared responsibility for responsible research and compliance with the GDPR, using an active learning approach and based on a Data Protection Impact Assessment method.

Paweł Kamocki (1987) is a researcher at the Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache and Chair of the CLARIN Legal and Ethical Issues Committee. He holds a Doctor of Law (Dr. iur.) degree (Münster, Paris), as well as a Master’s degree in linguistics (Warsaw), and graduated from the Paris Barrister Training School. His scientific interests are centered around legal issues affecting data-intensive science, especially in the field of linguistics and Digital Humanities; he published a number of peer-reviewed articles and book chapters on these questions. He also co-chaired the Working group on Data Access and Re-Use Policies and helped develop such Legal Tech tools as the Public License Selector and the DARIAH ELDAH Consent Form Wizard.

Aleksei Kelli is Professor of Intellectual Property Law (the University of Tartu, Estonia). He is a member of the court of honour of the Estonian Bar Association and CLARIN ERIC Legal and Ethical Issues Committee.

Dr Kelli is involved in managing intellectual property rights and personal data at the Center of Estonian Language Resources. Aleksei holds a doctorate (PhD in Law) from the University of Tartu (2009).
Aleksei has acted as the Head of an Expert Group on the Codification of the Intellectual Property Law (2012-2014, the Ministry of Justice of Estonia). He was the principal investigator in the Programme for Addressing Socio-economic Challenges of Sectoral R&D in the field of industrial property (2017-2018) and open science (2016-2017). Dr Kelli managed a project to improve industry-academia cooperation and knowledge transfer in Ukraine (2015-2016) and was the leading intellectual property expert in the research and innovation policy monitoring programme (2011-2015). Dr Kelli was also a Member of the Team of Specialists on Intellectual Property (2010-2013, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe).
He has taken part in several EU and Estonian R&D projects as a leading IP, innovation, and data protection expert. Dr Kelli has published numerous works on intellectual property, innovation, personal data protection, knowledge transfer, cultural heritage and related issues. Additional information: CV