Second biennial conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK 2019) is held in Leipzig, Germany, on 20-23 May 2019. This conference aims at bringing together researchers from across disciplines concerned with the acquisition, curation and use of language data in the context of data science and knowledge-based applications. This builds upon the success of the inaugural event held in Galway, Ireland in 2017.
Conference topics
Language data is of increasing importance to machine learning-based approaches in , Linked Data and Semantic Web research and applications that depend on linguistic and semantic annotation with lexical, terminological and ontological resources, manual alignment across language or other human-assigned labels. The acquisition, provenance, representation, maintenance, usability, quality as well as legal, organizational and infrastructure aspects of language data are therefore rapidly becoming major areas of research that are at the focus of the conference.
Knowledge graphs is an active field of research concerned with the extraction, integration, maintenance and use of semantic representations of language data in combination with semantically or otherwise structured data, numerical data and multimodal data among others. Knowledge graph research builds on the exploitation and extension of lexical, terminological and ontological resources, information and knowledge extraction, entity linking, ontology learning, ontology alignment, semantic text similarity, Linked Data and other Semantic Web technologies. The construction and use of knowledge graphs from language data, possibly and ideally in the context of other types of data, is a further specific focus of the conference.
A further focus of the conference is the combined use and exploitation of language data and knowledge graphs in data science-based approaches to use cases in industry, including biomedical applications, as well as use cases in humanities and social sciences.
Co-allocated events
As in previous years, LDK-2019 features a number of collocated satellite events dedicated to the conference topics. This includes the Text Reuse (TRACER) Tutorial, the 2nd Shared Task on Translation Inference Across Dictionaries, the OntoLex Face-2-Face Meeting and the DBpedia community meeting.
This edition of LDK also features an associated summer school, the 3rd Summer Datathon on Linguistic Linked Open Data (SD-LLOD-19, held May 12-17, 2019 in Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz Center for Informatics, Wadern, Germany), and thus complements the scientific focus of the conference with a didactic component and a hands-on experience. The SD-LLOD datathon has the main goal of giving people from industry and academia practical knowledge in the field of Linked Data and its application to natural language data and natural language annotations, from areas as diverse as knowledge engineering, lexicography, the language sciences, natural language processing and computational philology. For more details, please visit the datathon website.
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