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Workshop on wnlex- Wordnets as Lexicographical Resource


wnlex - WordNet as Lexicographical Resource is an Euralex2018 pre-conference workshop.

Workshop overview

The relation between mostly concept-based lexical-semantic networks (wordnets) and lemma-based lexical resources (dictionaries) has been explored so far mainly for wordnet-building purposes, and such projects and related issues are well documented.

In spite of not being meant to serve lexicographical purposes, Wordnets have become a de facto standard for the drafting of dictionary content. Experiences and related issues have just started to be systematically discussed.

In this workshop, we will define the state of the art in the discussed topics, provide a survey of solved and unsolved issues, and an outlook on future work regarding wordnet as a resource in lexicographical workflows.

The target group for this workshop is lexicographers.

Topics for the workshop

  • Data models for wordnet-like concept-based resources

  • Wordnet item types as Lexicography item types: issues 

  • Translation equivalence: Cross-language linking of items

  • Linking monolingual resources of different types: Examples

  • Manual post-editing of WordNet-based dictionary drafts


  • Martin Benjamin (Lausanne, Switzerland)

  • John McCrae (Galway/Gaillimh, Ireland)

  • Darja Fišer (Ljubljana, Slovenia)

  • David Lindemann (Hildesheim, Germany)

  • Sanni Nimb (Kopenhagen, Denmark)

  • Maciej Piasecki (Wrocław, Poland)

wnlex - WordNet as Lexicographical Resource is an Euralex2018 pre-conference workshop.

Information and registration

For more information and registration visit the the workshop webpage.

Watch the video recordings from workshop here.



Faculty of Arts,
University of Ljubljana
Aškerčeva cesta 2