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6th Estonian Digital Humanities Conference: Data, humanities & language: tools & applications

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The 6th Estonina Digital Humanities Conference (DH Estonia) seeks to share knowledge and support co-operation in digital humanities in Estonia and internationally. This year the main focus is on methods, applications and tools for working with textual data and language. Additionally, contributions from all areas associated with digital and computational humanities are welcome in order to develop a stronger community of the field in Estonia and neighbouring countries.

More information about the DH Estonia

Two workshops are co-located to this event and will be held at the following venues:

Workshop ”Wikipedia meets NLP” 
Date: 27 September 2018
Time: 14:00 - 16:00
Location: Tartu Environmental Education Center (Loodusmaja) Lille 10, Tartu
Participation: No participation fee

Versification and Authorship Recognition workshop
Date: 28 September 2018
Time: 12:00 - 16:00
Location: University of Tartu, Jakobi 2 (room 105, in computer class), Tartu
Participation: Registration via conference registration (no participation fee)




Conference Centre of University of Tartu Library
W. Struve 1
Tartu 78