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Workshop: Software Sustainability: Quality and Re-usability

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Sustainability of its software and services is one of the core technological challenges research infrastructures – not only in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences – are facing. Various efforts are being undertaken to address different aspects of the overall problem. This workshops brings together leading experts from the digital research infrastructures CESSDACLARIN and DARIAH in an effort to engage with the wider community. Its purpose is to discuss whether it is possible to combine existing approaches into a set of guides and handbooks to enable developers to ensure software quality from the start and collaboratively with infrastructure providers to create a service that is than usable by end users.

As part of the ESFRI process, the field of digital research infrastructures is being advanced through individual projects. These have worked on Software Maturity Models (CESSDA) and a Service Life Cycle (DARIAH) and created general Software Quality Guidelines (CLARIAH), informing the basis of all development efforts and processes. During the workshop, we will be introduced to these concepts and the problems they address. On the second day, we will spread into group sessions to discuss possible connections between them as well as the missing links. The workshop is open to anyone interested in software quality and sustainability. We strongly invite experienced developers and project managers to participate, as well as anyone identifying with the spectrum in between. Collaboratively we hope to align existing efforts with your needs and requirements to shape a common catalogue of rules and criteria applicable to many infrastructures and research initiatives.

The workshop is a joint effort by DARIAH-DE and DARIAH-EU within the DESIR project. Click here for further information and registration details.


Centre Marc Bloch