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Launch of the ESFRI Roadmap 2016


Today, Thursday 10th March 2016, the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures ( ) conference is taking place in Amsterdam.

During this conference ESFRI Chair John Womersley will present the 2016 ESFRI Roadmap on Research Infrastructures and will officially confirm the ESFRI Landmark status to CLARIN .

ESFRI Roadmap identifies new Research Infrastructures ( ) of pan-European interest corresponding to the long term needs of the European research communities, covering all scientific areas, regardless of possible location.

Since 2006, ESFRI has presented a series of updated Roadmaps supporting a coherent and strategy-led approach to the European Council’s policy-making. Its mission is to ensure that leading researchers in the Union have access to high-quality RIs and to facilitate initiatives leading to the better use of such infrastructures.

Follow the live stream from the headquarter of the Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences


Kloveniersburgwal 29,
1011 JV Amsterdam