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Introducing PARTHENOS – Integrating the Digital Humanities


Introducing PARTHENOS – Integrating the Digital Humanities

The PARTHENOS Research Infrastructure ( ) Project is pleased to announce the workshop “Introducing PARTHENOS – Integrating the Digital Humanities“, which will be held in Prato (Italy) on the 14 December 2016.  The workshop, organized by PIN, is part of the “Digital Humanities Week”, which includes the ARIADNE project event “Unlocking the Potential of Digital Archaeological Data“.

The workshop is aimed at researchers, RI managers and policy makers who wish to learn about PARTHENOS, the key areas being addressed and the approach that is being used to integrate resources from many of the domains that make up the Digital Humanities. The RIs and ERICS who are currently represented in PARTHENOS are DARIAH, CLARIN, EHRI, CENDARI and IPERION-CH and DCH-RP and we would like to involve as many other RIs, ERICs and research organisations involved in the humanities as possible. This workshop is intended as an introduction to our activities.

The PARTHENOS workshop will be hosted in the Sala Consiliare in the Prato’s city hall, and it will start at 14:00.

For further information and to register for the workshop, please go to Eventbrite at: Registration is open till 30 November 2016.

CLARIN / PARTHENOS has (some limited) resources available for supporting interested CLARIN members to attend this event; if you need support, please contact clarin [at] (clarin[at]clarin[dot]eu).


Sala Consiliare
Comune Di Prato
Piazza del Comune, 2