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Overview CLARIN Centres

All currently established CLARIN centres are listed below. This list is based on the Centre Registry, a database that is the authoritative source for information about each of the centres. If you would like to become a CLARIN centre, please fill out this form.

Centre Sort descending Type City Consortium
Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage - A Resource Centre for the HumanitiEs (ACDH-CH ARCHE) B Vienna CLARIAH-AT
Bayerisches Archiv für Sprachsignale (BAS) B München CLARIN-D
Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW) B Berlin CLARIN-D
Center of Estonian Language Resources (CELR-EKK) C Tartu CLARIN Estonia
Centre for Language and Speech Technology (CLST) C Nijmegen CLARIAH-NL
Centre for the Digital Foundation of Research in the Humanities, Social, and Educational Sciences (CEDIFOR) C Frankfurt, Germany CLARIN-D
CLARIN - Knowledge Centre for Learner Corpora (CKL2CORPORA) C
Louvain-la-Neuve CLARIN-BE
CLARIN Centre of Latvian language resources and tools (CLARIN-LV) B Riga CLARIN-LV
CLARIN K-centre for Icelandic (K-ICELANDIC) K Reykjavík CLARIN-IS
CLARIN K-Centre for Romanian Natural Language Processing (RoNLP) K Bucuresti none
CLARIN K-Centre for Ukrainian NLP and Corpora (UkrNLP-Corpora) K Jena none
CLARIN Knowledge Center for Terminology Resources and Translation Corpora (TRTC) (TRTC) K Vienna CLARIAH-AT
CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Atypical Communication Expertise (ACE) K Nijmegen CLARIAH-NL
CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Computer-Mediated Communication and Social Media Corpora (CKCMC) K Bolzano / Bozen CLARIN-IT
CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Data Management at SIKT (SIKT) K Bergen none
CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Digital Resources for the Languages in Ireland and Britain (DR-LIB) K Oxford CLARIN-UK
CLARIN Knowledge Centre for linguistic diversity and language documentation (CKLD) K Cologne none
CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Polish Language Technology (PolLinguaTec) K Wrocław CLARIN-PL
CLARIN Knowledge Centre for South Slavic Languages (CLASSLA) K Ljubljana CLARIN.SI
CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Speech Analysis (CLARIN-SPEECH) K Stockholm SWE-CLARIN
CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Swedish in a Multilingual Setting (SMS) (CLARIN-SMS) K Stockholm SWE-CLARIN
CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Systems and Frameworks for Morphologically Rich Languages (SAFMORIL) K Helsinki FIN-CLARIN
CLARIN Knowledge Centre for The Languages of Sweden (SWELANG) K Stockholm SWE-CLARIN
CLARIN Knowledge Centre for the Science and Technology of the Portuguese Language (PORTULAN CLARIN K-Centre) K Lisboa PORTULAN CLARIN
Clarin Knowledge Centre on Diachronic Language Resources (DiaRes) K Uppsala SWE-CLARIN
CLARIN-ELEXIS Knowledge Centre for Lexicography (CLARIN-ELEXIS) K Ljubljana CLARIN.SI
CLARIN-PL Language Technology Centre (CLARIN-PL) B Wrocław CLARIN-PL
CLARIN.SI Language Technology Centre (CLARINSI) B Ljubljana CLARIN.SI
CLARIN:EL National Infrastructure for Language Resources & Technologies in Greece (CLARIN:EL) B Maroussi CLARIN:EL
CLARINO Bergen Center (CLARINO Bergen) B
CLARINO Text Laboratory Centre (TextLab) C Oslo CLARINO
CMU-TalkBank (CMU) K Pittsburgh none (CoANZSE) D Oulu FIN-CLARIN
Collections de corpus oraux numeriques (COCOON) C Paris none
CORLI French CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Corpora, Languages and Interaction (CORLI-K) K Paris none
Croatina - CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Croatian language (Croatina) K Zagreb HR-CLARIN
Czech National Corpus (CNC) C
DANish helpdeSK (DANSK) K Copenhagen CLARIN-DK
DARIAH-DE Repository (DH-rep) C Göttingen none
Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS) C Den Haag CLARIAH-NL
Department of Digital Humanities (DH-Graz) B Graz CLARIAH-AT
Digital and Public Textual Scholarship Knowledge Centre (DiPText-KC) K Venezia CLARIN-IT
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (EKUT) B Tübingen CLARIN-D
Endangered Languages Archive (ELAR) C London CLARIN-UK
Eurac Research CLARIN Centre (ERCC) C Bolzano / Bozen CLARIN-IT
Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung Göttingen (GWDG) E Göttingen CLARIN-D
Hamburger Zentrum für Sprachkorpora (HZSK) C Hamburg CLARIN-D
HiTZ Center, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (HiTZ) C Donostia CLARIAH-ES
Huygens ING (Huygens) C Den Haag CLARIAH-NL
IMPACT Centre of Competence (IMPACT-CKC) K Alicante none
Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung (IMS) C Stuttgart CLARIN-D
Instituut voor de Nederlandse Taal (IVDNT) B Leiden CLARIN-BE
Knowledge Centre for Dutch (K-Dutch) K Leiden CLARIAH-NL
Language Archive Cologne (LAC) C Cologne CLARIN-D
Leibniz Institute for Educational Media | Georg Eckert Institute (GEI) C Braunschweig CLARIN-D
Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache (IDS) C Mannheim CLARIN-D
Lund University Humanities Lab (LU-Humlab) C
Mediterranean Research Centre for the Humanities' Phonothèque (MMSH's Phonothèque) C Aix-en-Provence none
Meertens Instituut/HuC (MI) B
Amsterdam CLARIAH-NL
MPI for Psycholinguistics (MPI-PL) B Nijmegen CLARIAH-NL
National Library of Norway (NB.NO) C Oslo CLARINO
NLP:EL - CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Natural Language Processing in Greece (NLP:EL) K Maroussi CLARIN:EL
Open Resources and TOols for LANGuage (ORTOLANG) B distributed over France none
Oxford Text Archive (OTA) C Oxford CLARIN-UK
Phonogrammarchiv (Phonogrammarchiv) K Vienna CLARIAH-AT
PolMine Project (PolMine) C Duisburg none
PORTULAN CLARIN Research Infrastructure for the Science and Technology of Language (PORTULAN-CLARIN) B Lisboa PORTULAN CLARIN
SAW Leipzig (SAW) B Leipzig CLARIN-D
South African Centre for Digital Language Resources (SADiLaR) C Potchefstroom SADiLaR
Spanish CLARIN K-Centre (Spanish K-Centre) K Donostia-San Sebastián CLARIAH-ES
Språkbanken (Sprakbanken) C Göteborg SWE-CLARIN
TextGrid Repository (TG-rep) C Göttingen none
The CLARIN Centre at the University of Copenhagen (CLARIN-DK-UCPH) B Copenhagen S CLARIN-DK
The ILC4CLARIN Centre at the Institute for Computational Linguistics (ILC4CLARIN) B Pisa CLARIN-IT
The Language Bank of Finland (FIN-CLARIN) B Helsinki FIN-CLARIN
The Tromsø Repository of Language and Linguistics (TROLLing) C Tromsø CLARINO
Universität des Saarlandes (UdS) B Saarbrücken CLARIN-D
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humnities and Social Sciences
CLARIN K-centre for Icelandic
The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies

K-Icelandic provides information and advice about the Icelandic language. It is hosted by The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies and The Icelandic Language Council.

Knowledge Centre for Dutch
Instituut voor de Nederlandse Taal

Expertise centre for Dutch, with service desk and wiki-page describing and linking tools and resources, hosted by the Dutch Language Institute.

Croatina - CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Croatian language
University of Zagreb, Croatia

Croatina is CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Croatian language that provides relevant knowledge about Croatian language and promotes the use of language technologies for Croatian.

DANish helpdeSK
Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen

The aims are to share our expertise with researchers, students and citizen scientists. Two institutions with different expertise are part of DANSK.

HiTZ Center, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
CLARIN-ELEXIS Knowledge Centre for Lexicography
Jožef Stefan Institute

CLARIN-ELEXIS Knowledge Centre for Lexicography offers expertise and support in using open-access data, tools and services for lexicographers. It operates as a distributed virtual centre supported by 17 institutions from 12 CLARIN National Consortia. CLARIN-ELEXIS is coordinated by Jožef Stefan Institute (Ljubljana, Slovenia).

Digital and Public Textual Scholarship Knowledge Centre
National Research Council / Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

The DiPText-KC offers expertise on methods, data, instruments and technologies relevant in the field of Philological and Literary Studies, History, Art History and Cultural Heritage.

CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Polish Language Technology
Faculty of Information and Communication Technology

The Language Technology Centre at the Wrocław University of Technology has the status of type K centre. This type of institution is known as Knowledge Sharing Centre and is responsible for promoting knowledge about the activities of the infrastructure.

Department of Digital Humanities
University of Graz

The Department of Digital Humanities (DDH) at the University of Graz is a leading location for digital humanities in Austria. Focus is on the semantic and formal indexing and mediation of digital representations of cultural artifacts. Key areas include research into the effects of digitalization on methodological approaches and knowledge processes, maintenance and further development of the trusted digital repository GAMS and respective training in the field of digital humanities.

Oxford Text Archive
University of Oxford
CLARIN K-Centre for Romanian Natural Language Processing
National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest

RoNLP K-Centre offers information services and advice on the use of digital language resources and tools for the Romanian language.

CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Digital Resources for the Languages in Ireland and Britain
University of Oxford

Digital Resources for the Languages in Ireland and Britain provides advice and support to researchers and others who want to find and use software programmes and digital datasets in the native languages of Britain and Ireland, in all their varieties

CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Speech Analysis
KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Technical advice on speech analysis

CLARIN Switzerland (LaRS)
University Library Zurich

The CLARIN-CH consists of the Linguistic Research Infrastructure, which is the technical data/service centre and LaRS/SWISSUbase repository. The goal is to assemble Swiss data/services in a single FAIR compliant repository for Swiss and CLARIN community.

CLARIN Switzerland (LiRI)
University of Zurich

The CLARIN-CH consists of the Linguistic Research Infrastructure, which is the technical data/service centre and LaRS/SWISSUbase repository. The goal is to assemble Swiss data/services in a single FAIR compliant repository for Swiss and CLARIN community.

CLARIN K-Centre for Ukrainian NLP and Corpora
Institute of Slavic and Caucasus Studies

The CLARIN K-Centre for Ukrainian Language (UkrNLP-Corpora) serves as a pivotal hub for language researchers, offering a comprehensive platform for Ukrainian language resources and tools.

Universität des Saarlandes
Fakultät P
CLARINO Text Laboratory Centre
University of Oslo

Goal: We want our linguistic resources (corpora, tools and word lists) to be available to the CLARIN community.

University of Gothenburg

To offer repository, resources and services. Additional A-services and virtual K-centre.

TextGrid Repository
Göttingen State and University Library

The TextGrid Repository offers an extensive searchable and adaptable corpus of XML/ encoded texts and images.

The Tromsø Repository of Language and Linguistics
UiT The Arctic University of Norway

The Tromsø Repository of Language and Linguistics (TROLLing) is a repository of linguistic data, (statistical) code, and other related materials. The repository is open access, which means that all information is available to everyone. All postings are accompanied by searchable metadata that identify the researchers, the languages and linguistic phenomena involved, the statistical methods applied, and scholarly publications based on the data (where relevant).

CLARIN Knowledge Center for Terminology Resources and Translation Corpora (TRTC)
University of Vienna

Helpdesk, material and training about the preparation and documentation on terminology resources and translation corpora

Spanish CLARIN K-Centre
University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)

Distributed CLARIN K Centre consisting of HiTZ – Basque Center for Language Technology (University of the Basque Country, Donostia), ILG – Instituto da Lingua Galega (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela), and UNED – LINHD: Laboratorio de Innovacion de Humanidades Digitales (Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia, Madrid).

CLARIN Knowledge Centre for The Languages of Sweden
Institute of Language and Folklore in Stockholm, Uppsala and Göteborg

Information service offering advice on the use of digital language resources and tools for the Swedish language, minority languages in Sweden, Swedish sign language, Swedish dialects et al.

CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Data Management at SIKT
Sikt - Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research

CLARIN Knowledge Centre (K-centre) in the areas of data management and legal and ethical issues

PolMine Project
University of Duisburg-Essen
South African Centre for Digital Language Resources
North-West University
CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Systems and Frameworks for Morphologically Rich Languages
University of Helsinki
SAW Leipzig
Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Leipzig

The Phonogrammarchiv is a multi-disciplinary archive of research recordings in sound and video, housing collections since 1899 and from all over the world.

PORTULAN CLARIN Research Infrastructure for the Science and Technology of Language
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
CLARIN Knowledge Centre for the Science and Technology of the Portuguese Language
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa

The Science and Technology of the Portuguese Language is the thematic area of this CLARIN Knowledge Centre.

NLP:EL - CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Natural Language Processing in Greece
Institute for Language and Speech Processing (ILSP)

Supports research for Greek and digital readiness of Greek. NLP:EL provides educational material and guidance for NLP tools.

Open Resources and TOols for LANGuage

ORTOLANG's aim is to construct a network infrastructure including a repository of language data (corpora, lexicons, dictionaries)

National Library of Norway
National Library of Norway

Providing metadata services and access to language resources

MPI for Psycholinguistics
Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG)
Mediterranean Research Centre for the Humanities' Phonothèque
Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme - Aix-Marseille University / CNRS

The collection held more than 8000 hours of audio archives recorded since the late 1950s concerning all the humanities sciences.

Meertens Instituut/HuC
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
Lund University Humanities Lab
Lund University Humanities Lab

The Lund University Humanities Lab provides tools and expertise related to language archiving, corpus and (meta)data management.

Univerzita Karlova
Language Archive Cologne
University of Cologne

The Language Archive Cologne (LAC) supports research, learning and teaching with high quality and dependable digital language repository

Instituut voor de Nederlandse Taal
Instituut voor de Nederlandse Taal
Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung
Universität Stuttgart
IMPACT Centre of Competence
Fundación Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes

Digitisation of historical text including the whole digitisation workflow: image pre-processing, OCR, post-correction, etc.

Hamburger Zentrum für Sprachkorpora
Universität Hamburg
Huygens ING
Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences
Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache
Leibniz Gemeinschaft

Providing long-term storage of Germanic language resources.

The ILC4CLARIN Centre at the Institute for Computational Linguistics
National Research Council
Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung Göttingen
Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung Göttingen
Leibniz Institute for Educational Media | Georg Eckert Institute
Leibniz Institute for Educational Media | Georg Eckert Institute
The Language Bank of Finland
University of Helsinki (UHEL)

Offers content for download as well as web services

Eurac Research CLARIN Centre
Institute for Applied Linguistics

Storing and providing data collected at the Institute for Applied Linguistics at Eurac Research and beyond.

Endangered Languages Archive
SOAS University of London
DARIAH-DE Repository
Göttingen State and University Library

The DARIAH-DE Repository serves as a repository and digital long-term archive for humanities and cultural-scientific research data and is a central component of the DARIAH-DE Research Data Federation Architecture.

Clarin Knowledge Centre on Diachronic Language Resources
Uppsala University
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft
Data Archiving and Networked Services
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
University of Oulu

This centre provides access to CoANZSE, a corpus of Australian and New Zealand English. Additional corpus resources will be made available by the centre in the future.

CORLI French CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Corpora, Languages and Interaction
Huma-Num Consortium

CORLI is a network of French universities, research laboratories and investigators

Collections de corpus oraux numeriques
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

Speech recordings repository

Centre for Language and Speech Technology
Centre for Language and Speech Technology

CLST was founded in January 2003. Its objective is to contribute to the development of language and speech technology.

Carnegie Mellon University

TalkBank data and tools.

Czech National Corpus
Faculty of Arts

CNC is a research infrastructure ( ) recognized by the Czech goverment and included on the national RI roadmap.

CLARIN Knowledge Centre for South Slavic Languages
Jožef Stefan Institute

The centre offers expertise on language resources and technologies for South Slavic languages

CLARIN.SI Language Technology Centre
Jožef Stefan Institute
CLARINO Bergen Center
University of Bergen

CLARINO Bergen Centre offers a repository, a corpus management and query system, a treebanking infrastructure and a editor.

CLARIN:EL National Infrastructure for Language Resources & Technologies in Greece
Institute for Language and Speech Processing (ILSP)

CLARIN:EL is the National Infrastructure for Language Resources and Technologies in Greece. It is organized as a network of academic/research institutions, providing access to resources, tools/services and promoting the use of language technology.

CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Swedish in a Multilingual Setting (SMS)
Stockholm University
CLARIN-PL Language Technology Centre
Wroclaw University of Technology

Main Centre in CLARIN-PL, providing infrastructural services and access to CLARIN-PL language resources.

CLARIN Centre of Latvian language resources and tools
Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Latvia
The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies
Vytautas Magnus university
The CLARIN Centre at the University of Copenhagen
Faculty of Humanities
CLARIN Knowledge Centre for linguistic diversity and language documentation
University Hamburg ; SOAS London ; University of Cologne

CKLD is a distributed K-Centre and offers expertise on linguistic diversity and language documentation.

CLARIN - Knowledge Centre for Learner Corpora

The CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Learner Corpora offers expert knowledge on the collection and use of learner corpora (i.e. electronic collections of language data produced by second or foreign language learners) for theoretical and applied purposes.

Centre for the Digital Foundation of Research in the Humanities, Social, and Educational Sciences
Goethe University Frankfurt & TU Darmstadt & DIPF (Frankfurt)

CEDIFOR is a Digital Humanities Centre funded by the BMBF and located at GU Frankfurt, TU Darmstadt, and DIPF (Frankfurt)

CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Computer-Mediated Communication and Social Media Corpora
Eurac Research

CKCMC offers expertise on language resources and technologies for CMC. Basic activities are 1) information about available resources, technologies, and activities; 2) support for producing, modifying, or publishing resources; 3) training activities

Center of Estonian Language Resources
University of Tartu
Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Union of the German academies of sciences and humanities
Bayerisches Archiv für Sprachsignale
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Atypical Communication Expertise
Centre for Language and Speech Technology

Atypical communication encompasses language and speech as encountered during (second) language acquisition and development, and in language disorders, but also more broadly in bilingual language development and in sign language.

Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage - A Resource Centre for the HumanitiEs
Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage

ACDH-CH is a research institute at the Austrian Academy of Sciences offering services for the DH community.