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Using CMDI: information for metadata modellers

As a metadata modeller, you will do most of your work in the CMDI Component Registry.

As a first step, you should find out if there are any existing definitions that you can reuse, taking into account your metadata requirements. Some definitions will be listed as ‘recommended’ – make sure to consider these first! Next, you can create the components and profiles that you need by combining existing definitions and newly created ones. There is an extensive Best Practice Guide to help you with this.

A few of the most important best practices to keep in mind:

  • You almost never have to start from scratch. When creating a new Component or Profile, look for the existing entry that is most similar to what you are trying to achieve, “edit as new” and make adaptations. This saves time and effort, and leads to more consistency.
  • Consider the reusability of any new components that you create in the process. Think modular and don’t be more specific than necessary in naming, organisation and semantic linking.
  • Provide concept links where possible! These are references to the CLARIN Concept Registry and serve as the basis for semantic alignment such as in the facet mapping process.
  • Define controlled vocabularies where applicable. This has positive effects on consistency and quality of the metadata created on the basis of your definitions. You can use shared, external vocabularies if they are available for your specific use case, or define your own within the Component Registry.

Don’t forget to have a look at the Component Registry documentation if you are using it for the first time or not sure how to carry out a specific task.

See also