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CLARIN2022: FAQ Hybrid Event

In-Person Attendance

For information related to in-person attendance of the conference (venue, travel options etc), please visit the events page.

Virtual Attendance

How can I attend the conference virtually? 

Zoom: The CLARIN2022 conference will be held with the video conferencing program Zoom. You can install the Zoom program on your machine. If you have Zoom already installed, please make sure you update to the latest version. You can get more details about Zoom and how to get started by clicking on the following links: How to get started with your pc or Mac and How Do I Join Or Test My Computer/Device Audio?

How can I connect to the community virtually during the conference?

During the conference we will use Slack for on-the-spot conference communication and questions. You can join the Slack workspace using the link provided to you via registration notification email. Slack can be installed on your computer but is not obligatory or necessary, Slack can be used in an internet browser. (See more detailed information below.) 

Should I install any software on my machine to take part in the conference? 

The CLARIN2022 conference will be held with the video conferencing program Zoom. You should install the Zoom program on your computer. If you have Zoom installed, please make sure you update to the latest version.

Where can I find the Zoom link to the meeting room for the session I want to attend?

All participants have received an email with instructions and the necessary details via email (subject: CLARIN2022: Registration notification and practical details). Please check your email for the correct Zoom links. These links will also be announced in realtime in the Slack #announcements channel. 

If you did not receive an email please check the spam folder in your mailbox and then contact us by emailing events [at] (events[at]clarin[dot]eu)

How do I make sure I have the latest update of Zoom?

Read the step-by-step instructions.

How can I see which version of Zoom I have?

Read the step-by-step instructions.

Do I need a passcode for the Zoom meeting and what is the passcode?

In principle by clicking on the link provided in the instruction email you should be allowed into the meeting. A passcode is only needed if you call in by telephone (e.g. if you cannot connect a microphone to your computer).

I do not have a microphone on my computer. Can I call in by telephone?

Yes. As an alternative to a microphone/headset connected to your computer you can join Zoom meetings by phone. You can call in to a number in your country to minimise the telephone bill.

Can I use a tablet or a smartphone to attend the conference?

Yes, you can use a tablet (iPad or a tablet running Android) or a smartphone to attend the conference, if you install the Zoom mobile app

What are general behaviour rules and instructions for attendance and communication during the virtual event?

When joining the virtual conference meeting you will be muted, and your video will be turned off. If you have questions and comments during the session, please type them into the Zoom chat. Afterwards during the time allocated for Q&A, the session chair will read your questions out loud.


Why we are using Zoom

If you’d like some background information on why CLARIN has chosen to use Zoom for the hybrid Annual Conference, please visit this link


  • Join our Slack workspace ( using the link in the registration notification email
  • Slack can be installed on your computer but this is not obligatory. You can also access the Slack workspace from your browser. 
  • Use the CLARIN2022 Slack for chatting with other participants and to get fast answers to all your questions related to the conference. While the use of Slack is optional, we warmly recommend it as an alternative for the usual face-to-face interaction.
  • During the conference, the Slack workspace will be opened continuously.
  • If you have Slack installed on your computer you can add a workspace by:
    • Clicking the + icon on the top left corner to “add workspaces”.
    • Select “sign in to another workspace” and insert “clarin2022” so you add the workspace and click “continue”.
    • In your Slack app, on the top left you will now have multiple workspaces.
    • Please find here more details on signing into multiple Slack workspaces.
  • If you attended last year's conference, you may a) see a message saying "A user with that email address already exists. Please use another one instead." or b) get an e-mail with this message: " We received an attempt to create an account for <your e-mail address> on CLARIN Annual Conference 2022, but this account already exists." after trying to sign up for the CLARIN 2022 Slack workspace. If this happens:
    • Check your Slack workspaces to see if the CLARIN 2022 workspace is already available to you (see singing into multiple Slack workspaces)
    • You may need to add (or re-add) the workspace to your client. Use the 'Add workspaces' button (a "+" icon in the list of workspaces) and the menu option "Sign in to another workspace" to do so. For more information, see signing into multiple Slack workspaces.

You can also try to browse to and log in there, or request a password reset if necessary.