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CLARIN-PLUS Deliverables

The table below is sorted according to the contractual delivery date. Note that where CLARIN is listed as 'Lead beneficiary' the actual responsibility for the work and the deliverable is often seconded to a CLARIN partner.

ID Deliverable name WP Lead beneficiary Type Dissemination level Contractual delivery date
D 2.1 Metadata benchmarking and curation module 2 CLARIN R PU February 2016
D 4.1 Report on risk management for eInfrastructures 4 EKUT R PU February 2016
D 3.1 CLARIN Human Interface Guidelines 3 CUNI R PU April 2016
D 2.2 Robust SPF 1: workflow and monitoring 2 CUNI R PU June 2016
D 2.3 Newly integrated webservices 2 EKUT R PU August 2016
D 2.4 Improved metadata harvesting workflow 2 CLARIN R PU August 2016
D 5.1 Analysis of the situation in non-CLARIN countries 5 CLARIN R PU August 2016
D 5.4 CLARIN Value Proposition 5 CLARIN R PU August 2016
D 3.2 Usability Report 3 CLARIN R PU December 2016
D 2.5 LR switchboard (software) 2 EKUT OTHER PU October 2016
D 2.6 Reinforced concept registry (software) 2 CLARIN OTHER PU October 2016
D 4.2 Joint infrastructure services 4 EKUT R PU February 2017
D 5.2 Operational course and education material registry 5 CLARIN R PU February 2017
D 2.7 SPF full extension 2 CLARIN R PU April 2017
D 2.8 EUDAT service compatibility 2 EKUT R PU May 2017
D 2.9 Federated Content Search Engine v2 (software) 2 CLARIN OTHER PU May 2017
D 2.10 Virtual Language Observatory v2 (software) 2 CLARIN OTHER PU June 2017
D 5.3

Best practice documents (bundled in a single document)

Individual documents:

1: Steps to be taken to set up a national CLARIN consortium

2: The criteria for CLARIN Centres

3: Building the National Knowledge Sharing Infrastructure

4: Cost estimates for CLARIN members

5: Professional profiles for typical CLARIN infrastructure functions

6: Handling IPR and ethical issues

7: Adoption and Implementation of Standards

5 CLARIN R PU June 2017
D 2.11 Virtual Collection Registry v2 (software) 2 CLARIN OTHER PU July 2017
D 2.12 Robust SPF 2: Identity Provider and Discovery Service 2 CUNI R PU July 2017
D 3.3 Online Communications Plan 3 CLARIN R PU September 2017
D 6.1 Updates to the CLARIN ERIC statutes 6 UCPH R PU December 2017