CLARIN Annual Conference 2021
The 2021 CLARIN Annual Conference will be organised as an online event. Based on the experience and feedback for the 2020 event, as well as our growing expertise at hosting online events, this conference promises to be an attractive virtual event with optimal interaction opportunities. We look forward to welcoming all the participants and turning this event into a success. Detailed information about the programme elements is available below.
Due to the virtual format we can accommodate a large number of visitors. #CLARIN2021 welcomes both the attendants of previous years and all newbies who would like to know more about CLARIN.
Programme at a Glance
The innovative #CLARIN2021 programme includes:
- Plenary sessions dedicated to the presentations of peer-reviewed abstracts. These will be organised in the following way:
- Each group of authors will have five minutes to present their work in the plenary format
- The discussions for the presented topics will take place both in plenary mode as well as in breakout rooms, where the authors will be grouped by overarching topic
- Additional materials to accompany the abstracts, such as slides, posters and pre-recorded pitches. These will be available on the website prior to the conference
- A special session devoted to work by PhD students whose research is connected to CLARIN
- A dedicated session for lecturers who responded to the call Teaching CLARIN in Times of Corona:
- An Award will be handed out at the end of the session
- The submitted training materials will be available on the CLARIN website soon
- All three days will feature a social coffee break with the possibility of networking, each day with a different discussion topic.
Have a look at the full conference programme for 27-29 September.
Invited Talks
From Punched Cards to Linguistic Linked Data … Through Infrastructures by Marco Passarotti
Monday 27 September from 10:15 to 11:00
Marco Passarotti is Associate Professor of Computational Linguistics at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan, Italy), where he is Director of the CIRCSE Research Centre, which he co-founded in 2009. His main research interests deal with building, using and disseminating linguistic resources and natural language processing tools for Latin. A former pupil of one of the pioneers of humanities computing, father Roberto Busa SJ, he has headed the Index Thomisticus Treebank project, which continues the legacy of Busa’s work on the opera omnia of Thomas Aquinas, since 2006. He is the principal investigator of the LiLa project, an ERC-Consolidator Grant (2018-2023), which aims to build a Linked Data Knowledge Base of linguistic resources and natural language processing tools for Latin.
Language Technologies Beyond Research: From Poetry to Music Industry by Elena González-Blanco
Tuesday 28 September from 10:45 to 11:30
Elena González-Blanco is an artificial intelligence and digital innovation expert with a special focus on language technologies, Fintech and Insurtech. Recently appointed as Global Head of Digital for Wealth Management and Insurance at Banco Santander, Elena González-Blanco was the General Manager of Europe at CoverWallet for the past four years, and previously Head of Artificial Intelligence Product Development at Indra. She combines her business activity with an outstanding career as an international researcher, as principal investigator of the H2020 European Research Council Excellence Starting Grant Project POSTDATA and LYRAICS.
Language Modeling and Artificial Intelligence by Tomáš Mikolov
Wednesday 29 September from 13:45 to 14:30
Tomáš Mikolov is a researcher at CIIRC, Prague. Currently he leads a research team focusing on the development of novel techniques within the area of complex systems, artificial life and evolution. Previously, he worked at Facebook AI and Google Brain, where he led the development of popular machine learning tools such as word2vec and fastText. In 2012, he was awarded a PhD for his work on neural language models (the RNNLM project) at the Brno University of Technology. His main research interest is to understand intelligence, and to create artificial intelligence that can help people to solve complex problems.
Read the programme, including keynotes, bios and abstracts here
Abstracts - Proceedings
The Conference Proceedings with the full abstracts are downloadable as PDF, and short abstracts can be accessed via the conference programme page. This offers conference participants the chance to prepare their questions and comments in advance and to be ready to engage in discussions during the sessions.
Informal Programme Elements
Each conference day, participants will be able to join a social networking coffee break. At the end of each conference day, a display of visual highlights will provide an informal wrap-up of the day.
Social Coffee Breaks
27-28-29 September 2021
Participants of the conference can interact and have impromptu additional meetings in the virtual rooms that will be made available during Social Coffee Breaks:
- Day 1: 15:30-16:00 Afternoon Social Coffee Break for first meetings/informal encounters
- Day 2: 15:30-16:00 Afternoon Social Coffee Break for exchanges of opinions/impressions so far
- Day 3: 10:00-10:15 Morning Social Coffee Break for building up the discussions for the upcoming panel
- Day 3: 15:30-16:00 Afternoon Social Coffee Break.
For more details, see the event page for the conference.
Lunch with the Board of Directors ( )
28 September 2021 from 11:30 to 12:30
At CLARIN2021, all participants will have the opportunity to take part in an informal lunch conversation with the Board of Directors (BoD). You are welcome to join them and ask questions about CLARIN’s strategy, the organisation, and future developments.
Make sure to register for the CLARIN conference by filling out the registration form in order to receive all the instructions on how to access the virtual facilities on the days of the event, and other relevant information. You should receive these instructions via email by the 23rd of September (end of day).
Registration is free of charge; the deadline for guaranteed* access is 23 September 2021. *In case of late registration after the indicated date, there may be delays in the communication of the relevant information.
Open Calls for Expression of Interest and Participation
Calls for interest to participate in the following special programme elements of the CLARIN Annual Conference are still open:
The CLARIN Bazaar is an informal space at the CLARIN Annual Conference where you can meet people from other centres and countries, find out about their work in progress, exchange ideas, and discuss future collaborations. Please indicate your interest and submit your application for a stall in the CLARIN Bazaar via this link. The deadline for application is 20 September. Read more
CLARIN Consultation Session
The CLARIN Consultation Session, which is open to all conference participants, is an informal opportunity for early career researchers to discuss their work with CLARIN experts one-on-one or in small groups. Please indicate your interest in the session using this link. The deadline for application is 13 September. Read more
Communication Channels
Follow the conference on Twitter via #CLARIN2021
The most up-to-date information can be found on the CLARIN2021 event page.