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Teaching CLARIN Call

We welcome submissions of recently developed training materials in any disciplines or topics relevant to CLARIN that include at least one CLARIN resource and refer to it in the syllabus. Resources include tools, corpora, lexica and electronic dictionaries, services made available by a CLARIN centre or repository, or which are part of the central service offer. The training materials can be specifically developed for higher education purposes (courses of all levels, intensive courses, including summer schools), but may also be conceived for informal settings (self-taught courses).

All selected relevant submissions will be presented at the dedicated session during the CLARIN Annual Conference and showcased on the CLARIN website

This call is part of a wider platform aimed at stimulating the uptake of CLARIN resources, tools and services into the curricula of SSH disciplines. The aims include the creation of a sustainable network of CLARIN trainers, the publication of learning and training materials in open access, and to share best practices in teaching and training. Two funding instruments are already in place: the CLARIN Training Network and the Training Suite.

Eligible Topics

We particularly welcome submissions on topics that enhance learners’ skills in research methods, as well as linguistic data acquisition and management. Courses that provide an introduction to CLARIN at beginner’s level are also eligible.

CLARIN Core Services
  • The Virtual Language Observatory
  • Federated Content Search
  • Language Resource Switchboard
  • The Virtual Collection Registry

Research Skills

  • Research methods
  • Analytical thinking
  • Project management
  • Research data management
  • Legal and ethical issues

Data Acquisition Skills

  • Programming
  • Text annotation
  • Text/speech processing
  • Text analytics
  • Data visualisation

Data Handling  

  • Data repositories
  • Data formats and standards
  • Controlled vocabularies and knowledge representation
  • Statistics
  • Machine learning
  • Corpus linguistics
  • Speech analysis

Eligibility and Application Procedure

This is a continuous call. Before applying, please take into account the following eligibility criteria: 

  • The call is open to individual proposers as well as teams of proposers irrespective of their institutional context
  • The training material to be submitted should be in such a form that it can be easily accessed by others. Before sharing your training material in open access, we advise you to deposit the materials either in a CLARIN centre, training catalogue (e.g. SSHOC Marketplace) or public repository (e.g. Zenodo) so that your training materials receive a unique identifier and can be cited. 
  • Clearly specify which CLARIN services, linguistic resources and tools you have used/taught and for what purpose (e.g. Virtual Language Observatory, Content Search, Switchboard, Virtual Collection Registry or any other linguistic resources, datasets or tools hosted by a CLARIN centre).
  • Materials originally developed in languages other than English must be accompanied by a summary in English 
  • Please make sure that you are the copyright holder of the shared material. Any other copyrighted material should be publicly available under a Creative Commons licence.

To apply:

  1. Download and fill in the 
  2. If your course is not yet available online (but will be by the time the CLARIN conference takes place), please prepare a ZIP file containing the training materials, the application form and a README file with instructions in English for those lecturers or trainers who would like to reuse and adapt your materials. You can share the zip file via WeTransfer.
  3. If your course is fully available and accessible online, it is sufficient to fill in the application form and include a README file with instructions in English about how other teachers can reuse your course/training materials
  4. Email your package to training [at] (training[at]clarin[dot]eu), with ‘Teaching with CLARIN Call’ as the subject of your email
Deadline for submissions:
  • This is a continuous call. We receive submissions all year long.


A committee of five evaluators, composed of representatives from the CLARIN Training task force, the Board of Directors and the User Involvement Committee, will evaluate the submissions according to the following criteria:

  • Accessibility and level of reusability in the context of open science/open training
  • Adaptability and modularity
  • Clarity, comprehensibility and readability
  • Content and technical accuracy
  • Appropriateness and relevance for the CLARIN communities.

The applicants, whose submissions comply with the basic requirements, will be invited to present during a dedicated session at the CLARIN Annual Conference and their materials will be showcased in the 'Teaching with CLARIN' section of the CLARIN website. 

Conference Attendance

  • For each accepted submission, one teacher/author will be granted reimbursement of travel costs (up to 220 EUR), free accommodation and meals. Please note that the number of accepted submissions is limited due to the number of available spots.
  • Should the teacher of an accepted submission be unable to attend the event, virtual attendance will be arranged.

Terms and Conditions

  • Participants agree for the submitted materials to be displayed on the CLARIN website.