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CMDI specification, version 1.2

The following document provides a specification of the metadata framework, version 1.2. Further documentation and other information can be found at the pages about CLARIN component metadata in general and CMDI 1.2 in particular.

Errata for Component Metadata Specification, Version 1.2

  1. [section 1.6, page 8] The table of XML namespace names and prefixes should also include xsi

    Prefix Namespace Name Comment Recommended Syntax
    xsi XML Schema instance  prefixed
  2. [section 2.1, example 1, page 10] The XML listed in example 1 contains an erroneous reference in the xsi:schemaLocation attribute of the root element. The correct location of the XML schema for the namespace is
  3. [section 4.3, page 31] The derived from information for the @minOccurs and @maxOccurs entries needed to be switched around

    Property XML schema attribute Derived from Use
    Minimal number of occurrences @minOccurs @CardinalityMin, or 1 if XML attribute not present REQUIRED
    Maximal number of occurences @maxOccurs @CardinalityMax unless @Multilingual is true, in which case MUST be 'unbounded', or '1' if neither XML attribute is present REQUIRED

Creative Commons Licence
CMDI specification, version 1.2 by CLARIN ERIC is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.