In this issue: Latvia and Poland in SPF, 1.2 spec, Metadata Harvesting schedule, Software Development Guidelines, CLARIN-PLUS Deliverables, Workshops
Featured topics: alpha, Estonian federation, workshop material, new centre, zotero group, ePIC support, CLARIN+ report, workshop.
Centre Meeting 2016: programme available. As announced before, the Centre Meeting will take place on 10 and 11 May in Utrecht.
Redundant setup for Discovery Service. The CLARIN Discovery Service is now running on two independent servers, with a failover setup. In practice this means that maintenance (restarting the server, updates, etc.) can be done while the service in question remains available. A similar setup is planned for the CLARIN Identity Provider.
As of today, the 71 Italian Identity Providers have been added to the Service Provider Federation. This means that all users with an account at one of these academic organisations can use federated login to access the password-protected CLARIN services, e.g. the recently added Corpuscle corpus analysis system.
As announced at the latest centre committee meeting, the deadline to participate in the 6th assessment round is 19 November. Please note that the B-centre checklist has been slightly revised (some URLs were updated). If you have not started yet, please use the latest version of the checklist.
New CLARIN members
Recently, both Portugal and Greece have joined CLARIN. A warm welcome to our new consortia and centres!
CLARIN vacancies: Executive Director and Developers