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NEW Video recordings from the 8th CLARIN Annual Conference, Leipzig 2019

Submitted by Linda Stokman on

The video recordings of the 8th CLARIN Annual Conference in Leipzig are now published on the Videolectures platform. You can also watch them by clicking on the links of the talks and presentations further down the page.

The CLARIN Annual Conference is the main annual event for those working on the construction and operation of CLARIN across Europe, as well as for representatives of the communities of use in the humanities, and social sciences.

In 2019, the event was organized by CLARIN   in collaboration with the University of Leipzig and InfAI - Institut für Angewandte Informatik.

The conference took place in Leipzig, Germany from Monday, 30 September 2019 to Wednesday, 2 October 2019.

Invited talks

Electronic Literature Documenting and Archiving Multimodal Computational Writing  |  Scott Rettberg  

Corpus‐Driven Investigation of  Language Use, Variation and Change Resources, Models, Tools  |  Elke Teich

Talk by CLARIN Ambassador

Towards a Universe of Local Time Machines  |  Toine Pieters

Thematic session: Humanities and Social Science research enabled by language resources and technology

CLARIN-Supported Research on Modification Potential in Dutch First Language Acquisition  |  Jan Odijk

Enriching Lexicographical Data for Lesser Resourced Languages A Use Case  |  Dirk Goldhahn

Named Entity Annotation for Ancient Greek with INCEpTION  |  Monica Berti

Parallel session 1: Design and Construction of the CLARIN Infrastructure​

Training Workshops in the Bi-directional Model of the Language Technology Infrastructure Development  |  Maciej Piasecki

OpeNER and PANACEA: Web Services for the CLARIN Research Infrastructure  |  Davide Albanesi

CLARIAHChainingSearch: APlatformforCombinedExploitationof MultipleLinguisticResources  |  Peter Dekker

Parallel session 2: Use of the CLARIN Infrastructure​

A Use Case for Open Linguistic Research Data in the CLARIN Infrastructure |  Gerlinde Schneider

CLARIN Web Services for TEI-annotated Transcripts of Spoken Language  |  Bernhard Fisseni

Manually PoS Tagged Corpora in the CLARIN Infrastructure  |  Darja Fišer

Parallel session 3: Use of the CLARIN Infrastructure​

Lifespan Change and Style Shift in the Icelandic Gigaword Corpus  |  Lilja Björk Stefánsdóttir

Studying Disability Related Terms with Swe-CLARIN Resources  |  Arne Jonsson

Corpus-Preparation with WebLicht for Machine-made Annotations of Examples in Philosophical Texts  |  Christian Lück

Using DiaCollo for Historical Research  |  Bryan Jurish, Maret Nieländer

Parallel session 4: Legal Issues

To Ask or Not to Ask  |  Krister Lindén

Data Collection for Learner Corpus of Latvian Copyright and Personal Data Protection  |  Inga Kaija

Liability of CLARIN Centres as Service Providers  |  Pawel Kamocki

The extent of legal control over language data: the case of language technologies  |  Aleksei Kelli, Penny Labropoulou

Parallel session 5: CLARIN in Relation to Other Infrastructures and Applications​

User Support for the Digital Humanities  |  Tommi A Pirinen

CLARIN AAI and DARIAH AAI Interoperability  |  Peter Gietz, Martin Haase

Word at a Glance  |  Tomáš Machálek

Technical Solutions for Reproducible Research  |  Alexander König


Parallel session 6: CLARIN in Relation to Other Infrastructures and Metadata​

Best of Three Worlds: Mutual Enhancement of Corpora of Dramatic Texts  |  Frank Fischer

Approaches to Sustainable Process Metadata  |  Kerstin Jung

Mapping METS and Dublin Core to CMDI: Making Textbooks available in the CLARIN VLO  |  Francesca Fallucchi

Parthenos ending - What got connected  |  Matej Ďurčo

State of the Technical Infrastructure

State of the technical infrastructure  |  Dieter van Uytvanck